Dev Forums starting to error for me

When I woke up this morning, I decided to browse in the Roblox dev forums as a habit but for some reason, it starts to give me this error screen.

I do have internet, I decided to message one of my friends right after the error message and it sent. Once I reboot it, it fixes itself.

This has probably happened 4 times today within a span of an hour. I have no clue why.


I’ve noticed it quite a few times over the past month or so. It happened a couple times about 9 hours ago. If I try using Back on Chrome it doesn’t seem to work, but if I refresh the page it’s fine.


Probably DevForum bugging out on this particular day. A refresh should fix the problem temporarily, but hope a staff would look into this regardless.


Yeah I’ve had this about 10 times within the past day, and when reloading each time, DevForum loads onto a human verification page before taking me to the page I was on.


Refreshing the page still gives an error.



Well, some are luckier than others. Just have to wait for a while, I suppose.


close the browser completely and reopen it.


Why is this here? It just started appearing on top of the page.

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I am experiencing this exact same issue on multiple platforms. I opened the JavaScript Console from my browser’s web inspector the last few times either of the errors mentioned above show up and some of my findings may help the engineers identify the root cause of the problem. When browsing the DevForum prior to the error showing up, there appear to be multiple warnings about deprecation notices for certain methods that some plugin on this forum appears to be using. After either of the server errors appear, the console shows multiple errors regarding issues parsing some JSON data. The JSON data causing the error usually seems to be the same JSON file that is displayed on the Server Error screen with the sadface. I attempted to load the raw JSON file that is causing error and it loads perfectly normally, I also ran it through multiple JSON validators and no errors had turned up there. There is also a chance that these errors could be caused by something on Discourse’s end.

Edit: It turns out that this is a widespread issue affecting multiple Discourse forums. Discourse has received multiple reports of that error displaying when forum staff attempt to access the “update” page according to this post on the Discourse Meta:

I am also wondering if this issue is caused by AWS since I have been experiencing some images (especially profile pictures) not loading properly.


We’re actively investigating. Thank you for flagging this.


Did this get fixed? I don’t seem to be facing any errors for the past few hours.

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Still happening to me


Yeah started happening again for me as well


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