[Dev Needed] Trans Ranking


About Us

Hi there! We are Trans Ranking, we need a developer for are ranking service.
The Team
@bacionhairmanfur2 - Main Developer.
@You - Website API Developer/Discord Bot helper.

About The Job

I am looking for a developer that can help with are discord bot, and make an API website so It can change people’s ranks.

Heres is what I have done so far


We will need this done at the end of the month!


Are sales for the service 30%

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Discord:
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:
Hope to see you on the team!


I have some experience with discord bots, I’ll contact you now

I just need a Setup Command for the bot, with the userkey validator.

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