Dev Product and Game Pass purchases are failing to go through

For the past few days, the sales chart has been relatively slow but now it’s multiple hours if not days slower. It’s also reflected in the hourly monetization graph. Sometimes sales go through so it doesn’t look like a complete 0, but something is definitely wrong with sales reporting right now. For my game, the only purchases showing up in Sales are private servers, of which mine are free.

I’ve tested purchasing developer products and the sales didn’t show up at all in the sales chart, and it didn’t show up in my Purchases either.

With this being extremely delayed, I’m also worried that Roblox is still holding revenue from purchases that happened multiple days ago as it seems to be very spotty when purchases do go through.

Also wanted to add this is a very important issue as it’s impossible to tell how updates are impacting revenue. My pending numbers haven’t changed in 12+ hours when it’s evident that people are still purchasing things in my game.


Something is defiantly up. I remember someone bought 2 game passes earlier today. One that’s 50 and the other is 5. I check my pending transactions and its empty. Just a 0. Very weird?


My game is peaking at it’s highest player count & I can’t diagnose any monetization issues or keep up to date with my player’s spending, nor am I even sure if I’m receiving the money from their purchases as there is no trace from it.


hello roblox??? fix this???

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This should be resolved. You can see details at Gamepass Purchases not showing up on "My Transactions" page - #51 by TeaMoreIce

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