Dev Product has a null product ID, completely breaks the dev products page for our game

When going to the Monetization → Developer Products page for our game, the page says that I haven’t created any dev products yet. Refreshing the page, clearing browser cache, and going to the next page does not fix anything:

Since all I was trying to do was get the asset ID of the developer product I’m using, I ran the following code snippet in the command line while editing the production game:

local products = game.MarketplaceService:GetDeveloperProductsAsync()
    for _, entry in products:GetCurrentPage() do
        print(entry.ProductId, entry.displayName)
    if products.IsFinished then
until false

This printed out a list of developer products. The last product in the list has a nil ProductID field.

It looks like a number of other fields are also missing from the payload returned by the GetDeveloperProductsAsync API.

Clicking on the “Next page” button on the website while intercepting XHR requests in the developer console shows an error 204 (No content) returned from the following URL:

The ID in this URL corresponds with the dev product ID for that “Purple/Golden Saddle” product I tried to create. This seems to break the entire dev product page, making it impossible for me to browse or edit the dev products for this game.

Compare this to the “Aquatic Saddlepad” which returns a 200 (Success) code and a payload:

    "id": 1781699560,
    "productTypeId": 4,
    "isPublicDomain": false,
    "isForSale": true,
    "priceInRobux": 99,
    "premiumPriceInRobux": null,
    "robloxProductId": null,
    "targetId": 49406147,
    "assetTypeId": null,
    "creatorId": 3556308349,
    "assetGenres": 1,
    "assetCategories": 0,
    "affiliateFeePercentage": null,
    "isNew": true,
    "created": "2024-03-20T20:54:46.6954978Z",
    "updated": "2024-03-20T20:54:47.992786Z"

Page URL:

Edit: I should note, I also saw this error when I created this broken dev product in the first place, even though this is the first time I had created a product named “Purple/Golden Saddle”


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Maybe an obscure thing but if anyone needs it, this is code I’ve been running to generate a CSV for putting dev products on sale if one of your products got corrupted:

local SALE = 0.25
print("Link, Original Price, Sale Price, Name")
local products = game.MarketplaceService:GetDeveloperProductsAsync()
    for _, entry in products:GetCurrentPage() do
        local salePrice = entry.PriceInRobux
        if not salePrice then
        if math.floor(salePrice + 1) ~= math.floor(salePrice) then
            salePrice += 1
        salePrice *= (1-SALE)
        salePrice = math.floor(salePrice)
        if string.sub(tostring(salePrice - 1), -1) == "9" then
            salePrice -= 1
            .. `{game.GameId}/developer-products/{entry.ProductId}}/configure, `
            .. `{entry.PriceInRobux}, {salePrice}, {entry.displayName}`)
    if products.IsFinished then
until false

The same thing has been happening to me for 2 days too :c

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this problem has been going on for months from what I see on the forum

This still happens, the broken product only contains DeveloperProductId, Name and Display Name. This is has been a issue for 2 years now and just happens randomly (very rarely). A fix for this would be great. :+1:

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Made a post about it as well, but realized it was a closed topic.

My page doesn’t show any products as well preventing my developer partner and me to update our game

This is still happening as of the date of this post. Please fix this ASAP!

@DataBrain @giancarlofx12 @TheDCraft @mitex7183 @bigbearboy

Hey, a fix is being rolled out for this now - was posted in another report of the same issue: