Dev product stuff script won't work

I have a devproduct script doesn’t work. The tools are in serverstorage. And the script is located in the workspace. Orignally the tools were in replicated storage but I mover it to server storage and from starter gear.

local mps = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local LasergunId = 7550414
local SwordId = 7550415
local SpeedCoilId = 7550412
local GravCoilId = 7550418
    if mps:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player.UserId, LasergunId) then    
        print(player.Name .. " owns the gamepass: " .. LasergunId)
        game.ServerStorage.HyperlaserGun:Clone().Parent = player:WaitForChild("Backpack")
        game.ServerStorage.HyperlaserGun:Clone().Parent = game:WaitForChild("StarterPack")

	if mps:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player.UserId, SwordId) then    
        print(player.Name .. " owns the gamepass: " .. SwordId)
        game.ServerStorage.ClassicSword:Clone().Parent = player:WaitForChild("Backpack")
        game.ServerStorage.ClassicSword:Clone().Parent = game:WaitForChild("StarterPack")
	if mps:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player.UserId, SpeedCoilId) then    
        print(player.Name .. " owns the gamepass: " .. SpeedCoilId)
        game.ServerStorage.SpeedCoil:Clone().Parent = player:WaitForChild("Backpack")
        game.ServerStorage.SpeedCoil:Clone().Parent = game:WaitForChild("StarterPack")
	if mps:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player.UserId, GravCoilId) then    
        print(player.Name .. " owns the gamepass: " .. GravCoilId)
        game.ServerStorage.GravityCoil:Clone().Parent = player:WaitForChild("Backpack")
        game.ServerStorage.GravityCoil:Clone().Parent = game:WaitForChild("StarterPack")

You don’t parent it to StarterPack, you’ll want to clone it to the player’s StarterGear.

I did that but it didnt work. Thats why I changed it but it didnt work either.

Is it a devproduct or a gamepass…? Your title is very misleading as you are doing “UserOwnsGamePassAsync” but said devproduct within the title.

Ye I’m honestly not sure… This isn’t my script it is the person’s that I’m working with’s script. He told me to fix it so I uh tried to fix it even though I don’t know a lot about gamepasses or dev product buying. So I came to the dev forum when I couldn’t it out and I couldn’t find anything online. Sorry.