Dev Product works within Studio, but not in Game or Team Test

Currently trying to add some dev products into my game. In Studio, the script works just fine. You’re able to purchase the product, and everything works as intended from there.

However, inside of an actual live game - it just takes your money and nothing happens.

Just to add this detail, there is only one ProcessReceipt line in the game.

Here’s the code.

local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local function processReceipt(receiptInfo)
	local player = Players:GetPlayerByUserId(receiptInfo.PlayerId)
	if not player then
		return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.NotProcessedYet
	if receiptInfo.ProductId == 1192320275 then -- sitting frenzy
		if player then
			local SittingFrenzy = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("DevProducts"):FindFirstChild("Sitting Frenzy")

			for i,player_ig in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
				local player_gui = player_ig:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
				local hud = player_gui:FindFirstChild("HUD")
				local gui = script.SittingFrenzy:Clone()
				gui.Parent = hud
				gui.PlayerWhoBought.Text = "paid for by ".. player.Name.. "!"
				game.Debris:AddItem(gui, 180)

			if SittingFrenzy.Value == false then
				SittingFrenzy.Value = true
				SittingFrenzy.Value = false
	return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted

MarketplaceService.ProcessReceipt = processReceipt

Any suggestions / ideas on how to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated. I’ve done my fair share of searching on google and the dev forums trying to resolve this problem, and I’ve had no luck.

Have you tried putting prints in the code to confirm the process flow is what you expect.
For example do you get the player or not?

I get the player and everything else works within studio. However, Live Servers nothing works. It takes your robux and calls it a day.

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Ok so does the processReceipt get called in game or team test?
If I was researching this I would put prints in the code to determine exactly where in the code things are not working.
Have you done that and if so can we see the code and the output of the prints.

This seems like a issue on roblox end as I am having the same issue. Dev products work perfectly fine in studio, but doesn’t process in game.

BUMP! I am having this issue. Have you resolved it, or is it still not working?