-Create a T-Shirt for 10 Robux
-Have another user purchase it
-You should get 1 Robux (10% commission on clothing, 40% on UGC)
-Dev Stats shows your game earned 10 Robux, even though you earned 1
Expected Behavior
I should only have 1 Robux in my dev stats revenue.
Actual Behavior
I have 10 Robux in my dev stats revenue.
I’m going to close this out as this is a fairly old report based on the a very old version of the Dev Stats page that was replaced via the one on Creator Dashboard (create.roblox.com) that you should be using instead.
We are planning on retiring this old page very since it is legacy and even the “new” version of the Dev Stats page is slowly being incorporated into the other sections of the Analytics Dashboard to create a more cohesive experience.
With that, Dev Stats > Developer Product Sales has an export capability that you should be using going forward: