DevBlog #1: My Journey at Making a Showcase!

What is this?

Heya! I’ve decided to make this to get feedback on how I can improve and make it look more detailed/stylized depending on the theme. What I’m going for is an Ikea type showcase, where you start in one room, and go throughout multiple rooms to see a variety of different builds. Of course, starting with a waiting room.

Why’re you doing this?

Because I’m needy yknow?? Okay, but in reality. I’m here because I want to become better as a developer and force myself to see a long project like this through to the end. I want to try different styles and expand my skill set beyond what I know right now. Both through modelling and building, also while trying to learn scripting. It’s a lot of juggle, but I want to prove that I’m capable of being a developer. Oh yeah, and also because it’s going to be a showcase, but we don’t need to talk about that… :eyes:

Why should I care?

Well, I’m here to ask for feedback, I’d appreciate ANY sort of help or feedback. As painful as it is to take, feedback is the only way I can keep going with it and make it better than what I thought I could make. In short, because you’d be helping TONS just by telling me I’m bad. Unless you just tell me I’m bad, then I’ll just be sad :pensive:

Okay, how often is this?

I’m going to be trying to be uploading here every other day, as this is a main priority. I’m assuming that I’m going to be spending a few days in each room, making models and overall designing the place. So although most logs won’t be this long, they’ll be often enough to make you sick of them!

Why is it so barebones right now?

Because models take time and effort to make, meaning that the rooms will NOT fill up quickly. As I have stuff like school and homework in the way, plus models don’t like to import properly to Studio. Especially with textures… :sob:

Also, if anyone actually DOES want to tell me how to get my textures to work, that’d be AMAZING. Because this is ridiculous

Fig 1. Blender

Fig 2. Imported to Studio and edited afterwards

Starting with room one of course, obviously nothing much to start with since I spent most of my time working on the desk and chairs. You wouldn’t guess what took me the longest, the curve around the pillow. That was fun…

I understand it’s almost nothing, but hear me out. Models are tough to make, even for someone with some prior experience. I’m no expert, but I’m not the newest guy around.

That’s it?

Yep, that’s it. I’ve got some plans to spice up the room, but I’ll show those when I’m done them. I’d like to see what you guys have to say would look good, because you probably know more than me. Either way, thank you for reading my essay and a half, I honestly appreciate just that you read this far.

DevBlog #1


That’s a good start, i would recommend you to make a signboard for the “waiting room” instead of a floating text, also the colors at the bench does not match with themselfs, but still a good starting point, keep the good work! :slight_smile:


Got it, that gave a great idea. And by bench do you mean coffee table?

I mean that armchair


my bad, i forgot the word :sweat_smile:


Usually if you want to make a good showcase you have to start out high detail, even if it goes slow. Your detail on this showcase is mediocre at best, and it is hard to improve it later. I would suggest redoing it for a better end product.

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Oh shoot, I was trying to fix that in Blender but the textures didn’t want to transfer over and it just grayed. I’ll see what I can do though

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So in the sense of more polys? Because the rooms not yet finished and I’m planning to furnish, but if you’re asking for more crispness I can see where you’re come from then

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I am not asking for that. Detail doesn’t just come by smashing a bunch of subsurf modifiers on top of each other. It is actually better to convey what you want with your models in as little polys as possible, without sacrificing detail. If you model by thinking you want to target x amount of polys, then you will definitely fail.
You should learn to make a good showcase by playing showcases by people like @Z0LL or @thisfall. Their showcases are absolutely outstanding, because they didn’t rush through it.


Basically what I am saying is that I see you rushed your showcase making process by making mediocre assets, when you really should have taken a good day or so focusing on just that chair. If you see all the good showcases out there it took the creator well over 4 months to finish it.

Taking time to make detailed assets will make you a better end product than rushing through it to get to the fun stuff (lighting, etc).

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@WoodReviewer would not be happy about this image.

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Okay I get it, I just didn’t get what you meant by more detail at first. So far I’m just using what I know and trying to screw around with Blender to see what else I can get. I get the don’t model by polys thing, just didn’t get what you meant. This’ll likely also take a few months, because I’m just not the best at making models as you can visibly see. Also, I know almost nothing about lighting so I should probably work in that too when I’m done.

Nice going there partner! It looks like a nice waiting room. now one I would sit in that’s hard to Answer.

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And yes, he wouldn’t :pensive:. I have disappointed Mr. Wood Reviewer…

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Ah okay got it. You should probably learn Blender a bit before making a showcase. I recommend doing some Ducky3d tutorials.

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Yeah not something I’d sit in either, it’s currently lackluster of any real detail or anything to look at. It’s bland currently but I plan on adding details like actual wallpapers, vegetation, and try to make more intricate/detailed models. Hopefully you’ll even sit in it one day :flushed::flushed:

I would recommend sculpting this actually. You can draw some inspiration from Blender Guru’s couch tutorial.
You probably should first do a cloth sim for the couch then sculpt some imperfections on it. Also add a bevel on it, but it should be subtle. Subtle bevels are on ANYTHING in real life that you can name.

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Gotcha, bevels on the edges would make it look smoother. And I’ve never actually tried sculpting, might be something I have to look into

Just follow his tutorial word for word then apply it to your own.

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