DevCon 2021 returns!

Hello everyone!

DevCon 2021 will be returning this Christmas for the first time in over 4 years! There’s a lot to go over with this announcement, but I’ll try answer any questions I can in this post.

About DevCon
So, what exactly is DevCon? DevCon (formerly known as GameVention) is a virtual event hosted on ROBLOX to allow eager and upcoming developers to share progress of their games and experiences. No matter the genre, experience or progress, any developer is able to apply and create a convention booth for thousands of visitors to see. Since its original creation by naanomoose, DevCon has been hosted a total of 4 times, with the last one being in 2017.

In short, this is a place where developers can directly witness player’s reactions to their developments and even help build communities and fanbases revolving around their projects.

DevCon 2021
Having been 4 years since the last DevCon, things will be a little different this year!

  • There are now 52 booths total, compared to 2017’s 35 booths
  • Game awards will be featuring a new host (hello!)
  • DevCon will run for 4 days total, compared to previously 3 days
  • Participants can choose their booth slot
  • We will also be introducing an art gallery for artists to share their work

And a few more minor changes! Of course the big thing here is the 52 booths. We wanted to give more developers an opportunity to participate, and hopefully an extra 17 booths will fulfill that. Another thing to note is the booth reservations. This year, developers can choose their booth slot on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Here is the current timetable for DevCon. This may be subject to change, and all participants/visitors will be notified of any changes via this post and my Twitter (be sure to check back here every now and again!). The timezone for these times is Eastern Time (EST).

December 9th, 08:00 - DevCon officially kicks off and is made open to the public
December 10th, 12:00 - Day 2 of DevCon
December 11th, 12:00 - Day 3 of DevCon
December 12th, 18:00 - Game Awards hosted by SirRovers begin
December 13th, 08:00 - DevCon finishes and the game is closed to the public

Each day will also have a unique timetable, as we will be including more events to DevCon to give more reasons to participate each day. Ranging from developer Q&A sessions, exclusive developer interviews hosted by naz, sword fighting tournaments and obbies + more! We will have more info available for these events closer to opening day.

Participants Information
Got a ROBLOX game in the works? Interested in participating in DevCon 2021 this year? Awesome! DevCon is open to all types of games in all types of phases. Whether your game is just beginning, halfway there, or just inches away from release we’d love for you to apply!

For more information on applying for DevCon this year, check out this tweet to get all the resources you need to apply:

If your booth is accepted, we’ll reach out to you via Discord or ROBLOX (or any other contact form you leave for us). Please make sure you have one guaranteed form of contact so we are able to reach out, otherwise your slot may be revoked. Once you’re accepted, you can begin creating your DevCon booth and also reserve whichever slot you prefer within the convention. Details for slot reservations and booth guidelines will be released after the initial application deadline.

The final deadline for applicants is September 30th.

We hope to see as many applications as possible, and make this the biggest, greatest and most exciting DevCon yet.