While looking for the robux .svg files and ways to implement custom emojis, I found this buried in the release notes for 541:
This led me to believe that giving developers access to Unicode PUA’s would be feasible, perhaps through a service-type api or an instanced system similar to how MaterialService works
--- adds `rbxassetid://` emoji to the experience in runtime
EmojiService:RegisterEmoji(Name: string, AssetId: string): ()
--- returns string `utfCodepoint` of emoji registered by `RegisterEmoji()`
EmojiService:GetEmojiCodepoint(Name: string): string
or an "Emoji" instance that has its own properties like .AssetId, .Name, etc
and a read-only .Codepoint property that is assigned within the unicode PUA range
…regardless of how this feature is implemented, it would allow developers freedom to embed their own custom emojis into text strings without having to rely on workarounds like prepending/appending an ImageLabel to a TextLabel
EmojiService:RegisterEmoji("InGameCurrency1", "rbxassetid://1234567890") --- this is like a "coins" currency
local Codepoint = EmojiService:GetEmojiCodepoint("InGameCurrency1") --- "\u{Ewxyz}"
local ItemCost = 9999
TextLabel.Text = `{CodePoint} {ItemCost}` --- $ 9999
local PlayerChatMessage = "i cant believe the price was raised to :Currency1: 10000!!!"
PlayerChatMessage:gsub(":Currency1:", CodePoint) --- could be passed into something like the ChatService callback
Imagine being able to refer to ingame currencies by their symbol in chat. No idea how this would look in user facing UI though. Perhaps integrated into a general emoji picker.
This is a really good idea. It might take a little technical legwork to implement but this would be wonderful not just for saving developer time, but even for expanding player chat capabilities with really good custom emoji support.
custom emojis would be sooooo good for communication, like how and are universally understood concepts
this was actually the main reason why i wrote this feature request, because i wanted to be able to easily communicate the behavior of certain (sometimes complex) actions without producing a wall of text that no one would bother reading
from personal experience, crossing language barriers is super easy when there exists an easily-communicable symbol that all actors/players, regardless of lingual background, can instantly identify and relate to