About Us
Hello! We are “State of Water-bury”. It is a roleplay group where you can get jobs and make money. Our map is about 20% done. We are hiring a lot of people.
The Team
@yeanlingspark99 Overseer/Builder
@mrgoldencarrot Builder/Scripter
Who we need
(1)Terrain person
(2-4)Town maker (Making roads and buildings)
(1-2) Scripter
About The Job
We are looking for a professional builders to join our team. We expect high quality builds that adhere to our game’s style. Good communication skills are appreciated; we check team progress daily and want to maintain a healthy relationship with one another.
Our game needs at least 15/35 new assets completed by the end of this month. (The amount will change on the size of them.We expect each asset will take between 30m-4 hours.
We are paying [100-500] R$ per asset. We will offer a contract for you to sign that will guarantee payment for the assets you’ve created.
Contract Overview
You agree to not leak anything. You will also agree that you are not allowed to use any assets on other games
Contact Us
You can contact us here on the Developer Forum.
You must be 13 years or older to apply.
Thanks for reading!