Developer Awards! Phase 2: Virtual Items

Can somebody please tell my step-by-step of how to see your MAU? ty.

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@Missimo93 I sent this to and this came??

Edit: I have it now, ty roblox!


Did you fill out the survey, or did it just come into your account??


for some reason i earned it without filling in the survey so it just came into my account

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I got the invite, but I have no idea which game I need to put down because (what I think is) my most popular game doesn’t meet the requirements, and I need to put a game in the survey. Can I just ignore the survey or should I put it in anyway?

(I think it’s kinda poor design to not say which game(s) are eligible for what crowns. Also, this was pretty poorly advertised considering if it came through anywhere except my Roblox dms I’d have assumed it was phishing)


So, I’m unable to get my data, as there are no months to choose from under Download Monthly Experience Stats Data. Does anyone know why? This happens with all my games, regardless of popularity, update, size, or whether they’re my game or a group game I made.


I have a question:
I saw this link in a youtube video, where said something like: “you gotta do this questionnaire and you’ll get the crown” and I just want to know if this is real or it’s just a scamm.

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They have my data… I need to know the asnwer

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You haven’t been scammed, this is a legitimate link that features a survey you need to fill out to receive a crown.

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Thanks for the answer :star_struck:

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Thanks! I was wondering what that gold crown was doing in my inventory lol.


This may not be the best question, but what about group games? Games that belong to groups but in that group no one else has Admin or any type of rights but you. Shouldn’t you still get the thing? Very confused.

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Anything before 2018 is fine. Just wait a little longer.

You have to download the Excel spreadsheet from the Data Export tab of your game’s stats to see MAU. MAU is monthly active users, which is the number of unique players who played your game during the month.

Where you get MAU numbers from:

You cannot determine MAU from the graph like the one below, because these are visits which is a count of total number of player joins. These are not unique users; if one person plays your game 1000 times in March, that counts as 1000 visits, but only counts as 1 towards MAU. So MAU numbers are generally a lot lower than monthly visits, but there is no way to calculate or even reliably estimate one from the other.

These charts are visits (player joins), not MAU:

No one here can tell you what your game qualifies for based on seeing your visits graphs, because the awards are based on MAU.


What does MAU mean? I’m confused lol

Is only the gold crown awarded right now?

I have around 100k MAU, but only got the gold crown.

I recently got qualified for Gold Crown, (yay), and I would also like to share this fortune with the contributors of my game. However, I am not really sure to what extent should i consider one a contributor. For example, more than half of my contributors are more of a QA testers than an actual developer of game. I am very thankful to their contribution to find bugs, bring up ideas, and overall motivate me to push through, but I am not entirely sure of if they are eligible of it. Thank you for any clarifications :smiley:

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I’ve noticed this too, you will get it eventually they are rolling it in phases.

Yes it depends on you, who you choose to get the award.

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I would assume so, I had 22k MAU so I should be getting Audurite and Bombastic, however I have only received golden as of right now.

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So based on my game analytics, it states that my game has over 230K+ MAU, but I only get the DM from developer relation about the 100+ MAU virtual items.

Is this a bug?

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