Developer Awards! Phase 2: Virtual Items

Hey developers,

We’re excited to announce Phase 2 of the Developer Awards program

Virtual Items!

This phase of the program is all about bejeweling your avatar with unique swag to celebrate certain development milestones. 👑😏⚔️

Crown of O’s (MAU) and Developer Longsword (Part of Phase 1 Swag Bag)

The Crown of O’s — also known as the Crown of OOOOOOOOOOOOh! — represents milestones of Monthly Active Users (MAUs) in your experiences. Each crown is made of materials that should definitely be familiar to veteran Robloxians and increase in cool factor for each tier of award, always leaving you with grander aspirations!

Here’s a breakdown of the milestones:

Material Milestone
Gold 100+ MAU
Bombastic 1K+ MAU
Adurite 10K+ MAU
Sparkletime 100K+ MAU
Black Iron 1M+ MAU
Wanwood 10M+ MAU
Bluesteel 100M+ MAU
Illumina 1B+ MAU

As you can see from the table, the Illumina is the Crown of Crowns. No game has achieved this crown yet and we can’t wait to see which game becomes the first!

When an experience hits a milestone, the owners will automatically be added to the reward queue to get the associated crown(s). At this time, awards will not be immediately granted to your account when achieving the milestone - earned crowns will typically be granted approx once per quarter. We are also working on a system to award items to everyone who has contributed to creating the experience!

The first round of awards is set to begin within the next couple of weeks. But due to the high volume, it may take several months to award everyone, so please be patient as we work to allocate everyone’s crowns.

Thank you again for all of your hard work and dedication! Good luck chasing the crowns and stay tuned for when we reveal the final phase of the Developer Awards program!


How will Roblox choose which games or experiences get the items?
  • If you meet the criteria, you will be automatically added to our queue to receive your crown(s). Just note that awarding of items are completed periodically at a set schedule by Roblox, and you may not receive your item immediately. If you have not received your crown(s) within 3 months from when you achieve the goal, please contact

Where do I go if I have questions about the Developer Awards?

How do I know which level I qualify for?
  • In your analytics report, you should be able to see how many MAUs your game or experience has. Please note that this stat only goes back to 2018.

Where will the survey be sent?
  • The survey will be sent via private message in Roblox to the owner of the experience to fill out. If you don’t receive a message and believe you and your team qualify, please contact

I’m the owner of the game and I tried to fill out the survey from my cell phone/tablet and got an error message?
  • The survey can only be completed via desktop or web browser. The survey cannot be done on mobile or tablet apps.

I have multiple games that qualify for the crowns, will I receive a crown for every game?

Crowns will be rewarded based on the game that has the highest MAU.

Will everyone on my team receive an award?
  • At this time, we will only be granting awards to the owner of the experience. We are working on a new system that will award the crown to the rest of the team members who have contributed to the experience.


This topic was automatically opened after 9 minutes.

Looks awesome, but it seems there has been an oversight? The crowns do not use the new studio logo?

I would think you should have some consistency within products before giving them out. I’m not sure how this was overlooked but I’d hope you guys sort that out.



I’m in love!

I appreciate all the work you’re all putting in here.


I love this idea! Very excited for it. Love how the lowest requirement is 100 mau, so practically anyone can get it and it isn’t restricted to extremely popular developers.

Question: How will this work with groups?


haha yeah that isnt the current roblox studio logo, is it too late


It’s great to see the effort put into these developer rewards! Keep going! :chart_with_upwards_trend:

It’s not very clear how awards are given to developers who’ve achieved these statistics in the past or if that isn’t something at all. So… if a developer achieved one of these milestones in the past, do they still get the item?


This is awesome! :smile:

One question, what timeframe do you look at for the rewards? Is it any point since 2018?


It’s very motivational knowing Roblox is rewarding Developers for their hard work! Thank you Roblox, very awesome! :heart:


How will this work with new members joining a development team, do they just have to wait until the next miletone has been reached before they can be rewarded with a crown?


Since the Phase 2 of developer awards are virtual items, what about group games? Who will receive the award in group made games?


This is awesome! Only question I have is if you’re being awarded on your highest MAU or current MAU.


I have this question as well. I would assume highest ever but Im unsure.


I don’t see any issue with the old Roblox Studio logo being on the items, I’m even glad I’ll be getting an item from this. I like the designs of all of these items, and I’m excited to receive my rewards! Thank you Roblox.


i wish i can be able to get the gold crown of o’s. though unfortunately, i’m not able to see my MAU stats since my game isn’t really popular with 5k visits. i wish people could be able to see their MAU game stats even if their game isn’t popular, but i guess we just have to wait

EDIT: i got the golden crown on thursday, but i’m still confused on how i earned it considering that i couldn’t be able to see my mau for whether or not i can earn it

ps: why do the crown and the dev sword have the old roblox logo


Judging by the wording on the description of the hats: has had __ MAU I’m going to assume it’s based on the highest achieved. But we’ll see!


It’s gonna be Adopt Me. Mark my words.


Would this give it to everyone who has the ability to edit games for groups or just the owner?


Good catch! I never noticed that!



Quick question. Will this be a new kind of recurring program where you get the rewars after hitting the milestone or just an award for people who currently meet the criteria?