The cause of a blank dev console output is overload of errors. Something errored a few hundred times, like in a while loop & function combo. I had this issue today and I solved it by fixing the error for new servers
Edit: actually yeah an update did break the server window. Local output seems fine.
And on GitHub, it appears the code has not changed for the console in 2 months, so something went wrong with the internal functions to get errors and such.
Sorry all, I flipped a flag that was supposed to enable dev console for all group editors on group games, but I forgot that I needed to flip a second flag to enable a new web backend.
Everything should be good now, please reply to this thread if you continue to have issues.
Just like to point out that nothing in the dev console is modal, so you can’t use it in first person (which is a pain). It’d be nice if you could set the Modal property of one of the buttons to true so it’d be useable in first person. Other than that, I don’t know of any issues – thanks for the fix
[quote] Sorry all, I flipped a flag that was supposed to enable dev console for all group editors on group games, but I forgot that I needed to flip a second flag to enable a new web backend.
Everything should be good now, please reply to this thread if you continue to have issues. [/quote]
Wait how do you chose group editors? Is it a permission for ranks?