Developer console does not execute code in command line

Bumping. Roblox staff really should have some sort of reply to this instead of ignoring it.


This has made it considerably slower to debug things in Studio for me as well. As mentioned, the Command Line does not operate within the same environment, so the only effective workaround is to write scripts before running the test. I have always relied on the F9 console to quickly manipulate server code during play tests. Hope this can be resolved soon.


best bet is just to playtest in roblox itself(can’t really do that if you can’t publish) or to have a script to run the lines of code you want to use(still really annoying)

shoutout roblox being a productive company

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2 Weeks later, this problem is still plaguing workflow and still no official response posted. It’s genuinely a lot more time-consuming to either go in-game(and not have access to the output for stuff like printing arrays), or run separate code.


Problem is ongoing. Extremely disruptive to workflow, especially in debugging and testing contexts.

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bump, this needs to be addressed ASAP


You do realise that the F9 console isn’t the only output / the only way to run commands while testing in Studio, right?

It’s odd that the F9 console doesn’t work, but there is still a just as convenient workaround available.

I never use F9 in Studio. In-game, however, the problem occures more than I want it to.

Command bar only seems to work for very basic code execution, not a valid workaround in my case at least.

This is not a valid work around, sorry. As a previous user said,

This isn’t a solution; The command bar runs in a different virtual Lua sandbox than the server, so global and shared values aren’t ported over, which makes it effectively useless besides changing values and running functions


Bumping again, its ridiculous that there hasn’t even been an official response 28 days


Bump, this is blocking our development. We expose a lot of serverside functions via _G that are useful during testing, and now we can’t use those at all


Bump, I would love for this to be fixed

Can this be fixed!!!

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The issue is still not fixed yet

Bump, is still interrupting my workflow; So annoying not being able to change my ProfileService data.

bump keystrokes keystrokes keystrokes

still experiencing this. it makes testing in studio

happening on both my windows 10 desktop and my windows 11 laptop

both are 64 bit.

started around mid-april

This unfortunately, is intentional behaviour.

I want a unification between the GameScript state (local scripts, scripts), which is also what the devconsole runs in, and the command bar state, such that they can easily work with each other.

Basically, devconsole and command bar both should be able to switch between GameScript and CommandBar. (the latter already can but only in internal).

Within RCC, DevConsole should be restricted to only GameScript, but not in Studio.

The command bar is basically useless not being able to access state within ModuleScripts.

I thought I was the only one experiencing this.
Please fix this, or better yet allow the command bar to work from different contexts.
This is seriously making it way more frustrating to work than it needs to.