Developer console does not execute code in command line

When play testing in Studio, using the in-game F9 console command line doesn’t seem to work and all inputs are ignored:

Expected behavior

The play test F9 console should behave the exact same as the in-game F9 console:

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I have the same problem! Still waiting on it getting fixed…


I have same issue!!!


For studio, you can just use the command bar.

View (top left) → Command Bar


This isn’t a solution; The command bar runs in a different virtual Lua sandbox than the server, so global and shared values aren’t ported over, which makes it effectively useless besides changing values and running functions


I don’t really see a reason to need a server command while you’re in studio then.

Also having this issue currently, it’s really interrupting my workflow.

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Datastore modules, shared/global functions, etc. It can be very debilitating not being able to test your functions or modules in real-time.


Just put them in a script and play it then lol

This defeats the whole purpose of the command bar in the first place.


same thing, it worked just fine few days back
time to wait for a fix

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this has been a problem for me for months, it never works for me even in studio or the player
also im not sure if this has something to do with it but i can open the command line ui in any game (regardless of whether i own it) and input text, it just doesnt do anything, similar to the video in ops post.

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ive never tried this in studio, but because of this post i did.

works in game but not in studio.

i still have the old ui because the new one hasnt rolled out to my account yet. but my studio uses the new ui. maybe that is related? i dont know.

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I’m having the exact same issue

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Me too, hope they fix it soon, thank you!

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I have been having this issue since the last studio update as well.

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Same issue here, I would really like a fix for this asap.

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Please fix this, its really annoying not to be able to use the console in studio to test things out. Having to go into the actual game and not having a output and such gets annoying really fast.

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Extremely difficult to debug my game right now, still waiting on a fix.


Disappointing that there hasn’t even been an official response yet. This is interrupting so many people’s workflows.

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