Developer Console needs to be expanded to cover all tabs (Only 3/12 tabs covered)

The developer console is a powerful and useful diagnostic tool for developers of all kinds, so it is essential to know how to use it. The current Developer Console Documentation Page only contains information for the Log, Memory, and Network tabs, leaving 9 tabs and their respective documentation either non-existent or scattered within the docs or forums.

While some of these tabs are pretty self-explanatory, the documentation needs to be merged and expanded. Things like the Microprofiler, and any other documentation (which I was unable to find, besides the DevForum announcement posts containing information on their respective tabs) should be merged with the main Developer Console page. Developers need a central page to find information and the information present is lacking in all departments. This means developers have to search throughout the forum for information on these tabs and how to use them, which impedes game development and optimization.

I would be willing to help contribute (and I think I will), but I wanted to bring it to the attention of staff anyway.

If you have any questions, do let me know, thanks.


If you have GitHub you can modify the documentation if you follow the style guide. Iā€™m assuming you want the writing team to tackle this, but if you wanted to contribute you can :slight_smile: