Developer Deeplinking [Beta]

It feels like you may be able to do this already:

  1. Ingame player clicks ‘Make Link’ button
  2. The server holding that player generates a link code
  3. The server sends the link code back down to the player’s client
  4. The player’s client creates a text field with a URL in it, say (not real link!)
  5. The player copies the URL out of the text field (by clicking inside it and pressing Ctrl+C)
  6. The player sends this URL to their friend
  7. The friend clicks on this URL, loading
  8. The external website sees and throws a HTTP 301 Moved Permanently, instead making their friend load

That would be functionally no different to a model with a malicious script that grants a specific user backdoor access.

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You are not allowed to use offsite-urls in-experience, directly providing the Roblox link would be better.

Yeah thought about that way of doing it, just would be nice user-experience wise for something simpler for users than manual copy-paste. Thanks though!

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Possibly. But imagine a mobile player trying to copy a link bigger then their display. They can’t triple-tap to select all as that clears the text field in Roblox.

You can set TextEditable to false, that will make sure the text does not change.

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Would definitely simplify the unwieldy link, yeah. Don’t know if we’d be able to use external links in-game for that unfortunately without Roblox having an issue with it, though. So not really an option for that use case.

To tie into this, it would also be useful if SocialService:PromptGameInvite() had support for an optional launchData parameter that is included in any link sent by that prompt. I created a feature request for this here:


This is an interesting update with many potential use possibilities, including analytics and creating a instance sharing system. Would it be possible to use this feature to award users with in-game features e.g. exclusive items and abilities, so long as it is not monetised? This could potentially remove the need to enter Twitter Codes, for example, which I’ve seen in many older Roblox games, as developers could post a link and it would reward the user with that exclusive item.

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Great feature! Cant wait to see this get released in the near future. :slight_smile:

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It would be nice if we got a simplified share link as currently, the mess of analytical and other jank pushes it close to the 400 character limit already

Why not simplify to just

There’s a lot less random jank and gives developers more room to play around with launchData

Internally, I wouldn’t use JSON anyway, I’d use encoded binary data through base64 but each to their own I guess.


Going to be using this in an update I have tomorrow, is there a reason why it brings open the error page when you’re logged out? Why doesn’t it default to the regular game link when the deeplink is opened?

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one use case is quick join links for moderators.

they can join a specific server using launchData or a specific player using launchData

idk if i make sense ive been up for 24h

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Is it possible for this to be changed to opening the normal launcher as the Roblox app requires the user to sign in when opening it for the first time which is frustrating, plus what is a user going to think when you send them a link that doesn’t appear as a normal game link, requests permissions for Roblox to launch (which happens due to it launching the app instead of the normal launcher) and then once it opens, it asks the user to enter their username and password. Personally, I would not trust that at all if I wasn’t aware what it was.

Someone else has mentioned before, but really what’s the point of, when we’ve always been told to only trust

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This opens the game in the windows app for roblox. Many users do not use, and actively dislike the windows app form of roblox. I personally dislike the windows app for a few reasons. Please add support to open the game normally with launch data.


About a year ago, I was in a group in which I made a bot for creating “pagers” that had a person’s profile link and the people has to manually join. This update basically makes it x10 times easier as you’ll only have to provide a join link. I am happy to see this update release as it has many uses in some of my projects.

Sorry but this update is Dangerous Bad actor Will be able to make you join on their game wich does not respect Tos, this System Will be At 100% abused.

All this really does is the person clicks a link they go to the page and start joining with information that already has to be in the link? How exactly can that be abused?

Maybe because it’s automatically joining the game? Idk, but in the end game, don’t click on suspicious links