Developer Exchange Problems + ROBLOX unresponsive to support

Hello! I submitted a dex request a while ago, it got declined however roblox has refused to reply to any of my support emails. Neither has tipalti sent me the email containing specifics that tell me why my request was declined. Roblox stated that it would be emailed. However it was not.

I’ll just post possible issues here

    1. Does having a different name than your paypal make the payment get declined (I’m using my moms paypal but my own name at cash out, also in the dev ex portal)
    1. I got a email before my request was declined that banking/contact info was changed. When it was not, may this be the issue? (I had emailed roblox about it though…)

TBH, your best bet is to just resubmit the DevEx request, after double checking that all information in the Tipalti thing is correct.

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I have submitted one extra already.