Developer Hub - OOP Page showing 404 errors

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Go to the Stacks page on the Developer Hub.
  2. Scroll down to the first Example Code
  3. Click the blue highlighted words “Object -Oriented Programming”

Expected Behavior:
It should take me to the Objected-Oriented Programming Page on the Developer Hub

Actual Behavior:
Shows a 404 Error Page

Issue Area: Developer Hub
Page URL 1:
Impact: High
Frequency: Always
Date First Experienced: 2022-01-27 14:06 (UTC-8:00)

Workaround: None

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Thank you for flagging this issue, and apologies for the extended delay. We have removed this link, and there should be no more redirects over to the now deprecated object-oriented programming guide. Please feel free to reach out for any more documentation issues!