Hello my fellow readers and developers, Ive been meaning to start dev-logging for a while now and ive finally gotten to it. Ill split this log up into chapters so its easier to read.
Even though this is the first log, the game is almost done. Or at least that’s what I thought when setting the private beta to start on the first of april. However im now realizing my mistakes and well, Ive reworked almost everything lol. So here’s how I got to this point.
Chapter 1 | The Beginning
So what is the game? Run&Gun was an idea I started working on November 9th of last year. It was a first person shooter inspired by Evade and Nico’s Nextbots with unique movement. At this point, ive had experience with roblox studio, about a year, but this was my first project that actually got somewhere. I started using chatGPT to make me a movement script that would control the movement. It didn’t work at all but I felt like it was time to move on. I started following a tutorial from a few years ago on how to make a viewmodel and put a gun in it.
Chapter 2 | A Steer in a Different Direction
Its no fun when the game isn’t what you want it to be. I finished most of the viewmodle, and made a menu. However I didn’t like the game. I hated it actually. So what’s the first thing I do? Restart! I hopped into a new experience I created inside the old game and made a beautiful map that I called Backyard Baseplate.
It was a complete success and I loved it! But I was still missing a lobby so as anyone would do when they don’t have something, I made one lol. After making the map, I did a round system and decided that I didnt like the tutorial I was following for guns and viewmodels. So i went on the developer forums to go and find one.
Chapter 3 | A Long Road
At this point I think I was over confident. I had so much to loose and so much done within the 3 months I’ve been working on the game. But now I was hit with a different situation. WHY ARE THERE NO GOOD TUTORIALS ON VIEWMODELS??? What I wanted was simple. A viewmodel that showed the players arms; I though I found a tutorial that would work until I finished it and well. It wasn’t what I was looking for, and I didn’t really understand what I was actually coding in them. By this time I had gained A LOT of knowledge of luau and how to program. So i made the ultimate decision to create my own viewmodel. It worked by cloning the player and removing everything that wasn’t needed. and in the end it actually worked! This was definitely a big confidence boost since by now, this game was 3 months into making and only now am I really happy with the results of how it was turning out. However there was still issues…
Cahpter 4 | Holy Moly Buggeronie
Yeah, there was alot of bugs. Even to the point where the movement system was breaking and I didnt even touch it. It took me about a week to roll out all of the bugs but it was alot lol. After fixing bugs. I had another problem. I had nobody to help me test. Because this was a PvP game, I needed to have actual people to help do test to see if the game would actually be fun. So I decided add a bot. Remember how I said that Run&Gun was inspired by evade? I added a nextbot to my game! And thus was born the new idea and in my opinion, A unique one. A co-op nextbot shooter with a social and competitive experience.
Chapter 5 | What's next?
After changing the direction of Run&gun, I started expanding on the game, I made new maps, bots, a game logo, a character, and even new guns. But im still not done to this day. It has been almost 5 months since the idea and creation of Run&Gun and ive made a new friend to help me develop the game. But development is still slow. I need to put the new guns in the game, create map and bot rotations
Thanks for reading! Ill hopefully be doing these logs every week. I will also take any feature requests into account if you have any. Happy development!
Oh and heres the game link to Run&Gun