(Developer Nation) Scripter [%]

About Us

Greetings, and Salutations! We are Developer Nation, a small upcoming game development team. We put our developers first! We’re looking for a builder, and scripter who are willing to join our team and work with us on our new game, Timebomb. Timebomb is a game where you compete with your friends on different maps. Someone has the bomb and you try to get it to another person before the bomb runs out.

The Team
@Archalium - Map Builder
@Vordinar Modeler
@You! - Scripter
@Programmxr - UI
@Programmxr - Game Designer
@ForceUpdates - Group Manager
@DeveloperFlorida_RP - Moderator
@TheSoftwareEnginner - Moderator
@ForceUpdates - Moderator

Our group: Official Developer Nation - Roblox

About The Job (Scripter)

We are looking for a professional scripter, that can script User Interfaces, and levels/coins etc. Good communication skills are appreciated.

We are planning to make the game public (run ads) sometime in early August.


@Programmxr - 10%
@Scripter - 30%
@Map Builder - 25%
@Modeler - 15%

15% goes to group funds for ads.

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Discord. Programmxr#2699
You must be 13 years or older to apply. Developer Nation is an equal oppertunity employer.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


Uh just asking, but wouldn’t you also need someone who make’s particles, models the bomb etc and an animator?

We will need a modeler to make the bombs. Also, an animator. I was planning on making another one for them, but I will add them right now.

If you are applying, please put your discord (not required) in the chat.

I am interested in the 3D modeler position! Please add me!

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I would recommend offering a payment after finishing a task instead of percentage. Because if you want someone to program or build for you, any good builders/programmers won’t do it for percentages since it’s very risky.


Unfortunately, we are a small development group so we can’t afford that option. When we do make robux we will pay robux + a percentage.

The Modeler position is filled!

Hello, I am interested about your post. I would like to be a bulider/Map designer. If you want more information about me. You can contact me on discord EGE#8637.

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Hey, I will add you on discord tomorrow! Thank you for applying!

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Hello, I am interested about your post. I would like to be a scripter/programmer. If you want more information about me. You can contact me on discord

╲⎝⧹VxloCity Gaming⧸⎠╱#7279.

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Hey, thanks for applying! I will get back to you in the morning!

I sent you a friend request on discord.

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The map builder position has been filled!

The scripter position is still open! Please remember that you need to script UI’s, level’s, the leaderboard system, and map voting.

Scripter position filled! Thank you for applying.

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