Developer Product not working

Hey Developers,

I am wanting to address a DevProduct issue that I’ve come across in the past few days. This has been a major issue to this game and needs to be fixed ASAP. I have done all debugging options to solve this issue, but nothing works.

I am attempting to make a tip jar, which works normally in studio and everything works fine with it when I process the receipt with MarketPlaceService. However, when I reach the game, it says there’s an error and that the player’s account cannot be charged. I will put two GIFs of my issue below.

In Studio:


Is there anymore debugging I can do to fix this issue? I really need help on this as I am unsure of what else I should do to help fix the product.


Just gonna get this out of the way
Are API Service/HTTP Requests enabled in your Game Settings? If so, then could we potentially see the script if possible?

Yes, API Services and HTTP Requests are enabled in Game Settings. I’ll attach proof below:

The script is basic, it’s just a ProximityPrompt Handler.

try printing when the triggered function happens and also put this at the top of your code

repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded()

If you created the product from the studio try to create a new one from the website (I already had this problem)

Also, adding onto my post: We have a donation board as well in the game with DevProducts, not sure if this is the issue. In my old game I had a donation board and products which we had to use RemoteFunctions to handle some issues with products.

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This product was created from the website, not from studio.

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Just a quick note, pleas change your studio font to courier. Anyways, it’s usually a problem with roblox servers that relate to devproducts and game passes. Don’t worry, you can try tomorrow.

EDIT: I was wrong, in fact, you must have 1 script that receives a due product purchase event. That’s how roblox works, so try to merge the scripts.

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OH. Then that’s the issue! You can’t have 2 different scripts with devproduct events. You must make it a single event/script.


Ah alright, I’ll go ahead and try that out. Thanks for the help.


Good luck! I am sure it will be a challenge!

This post and jordan’s replies helped me fix my devproducts issue were the donation board was interfering, massive thanks guys

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