Developer product says it's not currently for sale but it is

We have 4 developer products for sale, but when you prompt them in-game it says “This item is not currently for sale.”

The product’s are 100% for sale, we tried joining private servers and migrating but it’s still not resolved, here’s the product IDs:


Can we please have this resolved ASAP

A private message is associated with this bug report


Are you using the correct prompt method, and not the asset one?

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Yes, we are using PromptProductPurchase. This works for our other developer products and was working yesterday.


Were these products created recently?

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The products were made around Saturday, they were live and were being purchased Sunday, we set the price to nothing yesterday (to disable them), and set the price back to what they should be 1-2 hours later. Ever since we set them back from nothing, they cannot be purchased.

{"AssetTypeId":0,"TargetId":36596030,"IsNew":false,"Updated":"2023-11-20T21:46:47.6511176Z","AssetId":0,"ProductId":1689383289,"MinimumMembershipLevel":0,"Created":"2023-11-17T22:30:14.377Z","DisplayIconImageAssetId":0,"ProductType":"Developer Product","IsLimited":false,"IsForSale":false,"DisplayName":"Reset Companion Limits","IsPublicDomain":false,"IconImageAssetId":0,"Name":"Reset Companion Limits","PriceInRobux":200,"Creator":{"Id":0,"CreatorTargetId":0},"IsLimitedUnique":false}

{"AssetTypeId":0,"TargetId":36647630,"IsNew":true,"Updated":"2023-11-20T21:46:06.8988233Z","AssetId":0,"ProductId":1690023636,"MinimumMembershipLevel":0,"Created":"2023-11-18T20:05:10.41Z","DisplayIconImageAssetId":0,"ProductType":"Developer Product","IsLimited":false,"IsForSale":false,"DisplayName":"Reset Egg Limits","IsPublicDomain":false,"IconImageAssetId":0,"Name":"Reset Egg Limits","PriceInRobux":200,"Creator":{"Id":0,"CreatorTargetId":0},"IsLimitedUnique":false}

{"AssetTypeId":0,"TargetId":36596018,"IsNew":false,"Updated":"2023-11-20T21:46:05.4977641Z","AssetId":0,"ProductId":1689383233,"MinimumMembershipLevel":0,"Created":"2023-11-17T22:30:07.42Z","DisplayIconImageAssetId":0,"ProductType":"Developer Product","IsLimited":false,"IsForSale":false,"DisplayName":"Reset Huge Limits","IsPublicDomain":false,"IconImageAssetId":0,"Name":"Reset Huge Limits","PriceInRobux":400,"Creator":{"Id":0,"CreatorTargetId":0},"IsLimitedUnique":false}

{"AssetTypeId":0,"TargetId":36596014,"IsNew":false,"Updated":"2023-11-20T21:46:04.1270675Z","AssetId":0,"ProductId":1689383159,"MinimumMembershipLevel":0,"Created":"2023-11-17T22:29:59.18Z","DisplayIconImageAssetId":0,"ProductType":"Developer Product","IsLimited":false,"IsForSale":false,"DisplayName":"Reset Titanic Limits","IsPublicDomain":false,"IconImageAssetId":0,"Name":"Reset Titanic Limits","PriceInRobux":800,"Creator":{"Id":0,"CreatorTargetId":0},"IsLimitedUnique":false}

IsForSale is stuck on false even though it has a Robux price set.


Hi - so the issue is as you said - setting a dev product to null price implicitly takes a dev product off for sale, but setting a dev product with a non-null price does not do the reverse. So once a dev product is taken off sale through this method, it can’t be made available for sale again.

This is a bug on our end; I am working on a change to modify sale status upon non-null price. It will likely be difficult to ship before Thanksgiving. For now, until the fix is shipped, a workaround would be to create a different product and never set the price to null. I am not sure if that’s a viable option for your team though.

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Also stuck for my team and I on the following product ids:


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Having the same issue. Brand new product is not purchasable even when it is on sale.

Expect change to go live tomorrow morning

Can you clarify - by not purchasable do you mean it has a price but it’s not for sale? To be specific, the issue occurs when a dev product has a null price set at any point. This will take the product off sale, and there’s no way current way to reverse it; but a product that was always for sale with a non-null price, and never was taken off sale by nulling the price should still be purchasable.

It has a price on the creator page but ingame it says it is not on sale. It’s possible I set it to a null price, even as a new product, but Im not sure. I ended up making a new product with a price and not messing with it afterwards. This workaround is fine.

I just ran into this very invisible bug. What’s the status, is there a fix in the works?

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Just reupload with a nonnull price

Just ran into this issue with 12 assetIDs, any update?