Alright, so I have tried multiple times yet to no avail to make this work. I want to make a developer product that does something. Anything. Once I get the product itself working I can focus on the functioning part of it.
Anyways, my problem is that the developer product that I am prompting works perfectly fine in single player studio and a local server running off of my computer. (I just set it to kill the player for now just for testing). I run into my issue when I try to run it off of a non-local server such as in-game or in team test. I have no idea what the problem is and I would greatly appreciate some feedback.
Here is the script:
local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local purchaseHistoryStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("PurchaseHistory")
local productFunctions = {}
productFunctions[1171899953] = function(receipt, player)
if player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
player.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0
return true
local function processReceipt(receiptInfo)
local playerProductKey = receiptInfo.PlayerId .. "_" .. receiptInfo.PurchaseId
local purchased = false
local success, errorMessage = pcall(function()
purchased = purchaseHistoryStore:GetAsync(playerProductKey)
if success and purchased then
return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted
elseif not success then
error("Data store error:" .. errorMessage)
local player = Players:GetPlayerByUserId(receiptInfo.PlayerId)
if not player then
return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.NotProcessedYet
local handler = productFunctions[receiptInfo.ProductId]
local success, result = pcall(handler, receiptInfo, player)
if not success or not result then
warn("Error occurred while processing a product purchase")
print("\nProductId:", receiptInfo.ProductId)
print("\nPlayer:", player)
return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.NotProcessedYet
local success, errorMessage = pcall(function()
purchaseHistoryStore:SetAsync(playerProductKey, true)
if not success then
error("Cannot save purchase data: " .. errorMessage)
return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted
MarketplaceService.ProcessReceipt = processReceipt
Is there any reason that this shouldn’t be working in game or team test, or is there an error on my end? I’m certainly not an expert at scripting and I’m kind of just learning market place service.