Developer reviews and ratings

When somebody wants to hire a developer for a game or job, a portfolio is always necessary and can give the person gauge the ability of the developer. However you can’t tell about their consistency and work through these portfolios and so I recommend a sort of rating system. The system would work as follows:

  • Once a developer has finished a commission the person who hired them can rate them.
  • These ratings have to be approved by the developer to prove that they’re the client, however it won’t show the actual rating they got.
  • This system can include ways to categorise the job through different criteria e.g Activeness, Ability, Attitude and so on. The review would also include a statement to summarise the job as a whole.

I believe this system could greatly benefit both clients and developers alike, it would push developers to put more effort into their commissions and it would give clients a more thorough insight into previous jobs of the client, increasing the standards of work here on the forums.


Are you purposing this be included on the Roblox website? I don’t know how this could be implemented properly because commissions themselves aren’t really supported in any official way either. How would you keep track of what a commission is, and how do you prevent people from making fake commissions to artificially boost ratings?


I would imagine this to ver implemented on the he forums, particularly due to it needin to be trialled. And also the system would only really work in a more professional environment.

The idea is good but I can think of far too many loopholes for this system mainly because Roblox doesn’t fully supports commissioning (even though it has the tools to do so).

Seen you mentioning this being implemented here. First con of this I can think of is that not everyone has access to messaging the forum members (since I think that it would be the only way one could verify whenever someone was a client or not) without needing to have a trust level of their own.

In my opinion it would work best only if this system was entirely implemented into Roblox first with a more lenient chat filter and a way to actually use the “Commissions” option from the “My Transactions” tab. After that, users would be able to give reviews in here.


I support this, because I’ve hired developers (and fired them, too), but I also feel like this could be abused:

This might not work out; if the hired developer has to approve their given rating, they might turn it down unless it’s extremely positive and may continue to reject the rating until they get such, which obviously leads into the ‘misleading’ factor. Of course, rating could be optional, but then that’s the same as having no rating system at all.

Also, if this were to become a thing, I think it would apply to everyone on Roblox (negatively) because anyone can call themselves a developer and hand out false or even inappropriate ratings just to troll or harass. But then, your ‘rating approval’ idea comes into effect so the recipients don’t get such ratings, but like above, can also cause problems. It’s basically a paradox.


Would not support this feature as for one there is no way to manage what makes someone eligible to start a review on someone. Second usually in portfolios you put who you have worked for In the past and sometimes what games. Where the person looking to hire can contact a few of how they did. If you where seriously looking to hire someone good you would take the time for that option instead of some sugar coated review.