Developer stats by language

As a Roblox Developer™ it is currently difficult to tell what percentage of my players are playing the Spanish version of my game and which are playing the english version.

Developer stat breakdown by language would be incredibly useful for developers that are localizing their games for Spanish and any other languages that Roblox decides to support in the future.

We already have the breakdown by “age”, which is almost entirely useless, so it would be nice to be able to tell which language our players on so we can gauge how effective our localization efforts are.


I think stats by country would be useful in deciding what languages the developer should take time to localize the game on. (I haven’t done this, how long does it take?) Though you could also say maybe people of that country aren’t playing because it isn’t in the language in the first place.


Could you not just store the language being used from the localisationservice property and view that through graphs ingame?

However it would be nice to have this in developer stats.

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I see people making a big hype about the new language compatibility, however I am skeptical. I rarely see any players who don’t speak english. I’d be very interested to see what effect, if any, the foreign languages have added to games stats.

It’s a lot of work and money to translate a game, what is the pay off?

Roblox isn’t going to put you into a server full of German speaking people, that’s why.

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Roblox does seem to matchmake players by language and region. So you might just not run into any while you’re playing even though they are there.

While I can’t tell you how many Spanish players my game got after localizing because Roblox doesn’t give us that information, I can tell you that the player on the top of my in-game leaderboard after the update had a Spanish username, suggesting a decent amount of Spanish players were in the game.


Just adding to this point, I think it would be useful if a developer who has localised into loads of languages publicised this information as a rough guideline for other users

Once your game has been localized into a different language it is super easy to do it into more. The only bottleneck is actually doing the translations.


Any word on this?

With the push for featured games to localize it is more important than ever that Roblox displays this data to developers

My game’s translator (a fan of the game) was curious how people liked the localization update, and I had to tell that Roblox doesn’t have stats for it yet!