Developer Stats monthly cuts off

Developer Stats monthly cuts off but what is cut is not 100% consistent with each place.
Therefore, this bug is best presented by showing a few pictures.

Right around when visits by age was added, stuff in average visit length cut off.

Here’s another game where the computer visits also are dropped at a certain point, never returning thus far.
Also note, I personally dropped console so the average visit length dropping make sense for this picture. However, the bug is the computer avg visit length also drops. Also coincidentally, I made my game on mobile at this time as well, and compared to the 1st game, the tablet avg visit length maintained being on the graph.

This 3rd game all the visit graphs except phone were erased. The game is playable on computer and tablet still.

Not having correctly functioning stats is extremely annoying to developers, who may base future game decisions or what to work on currently off of monthly stats.

If Roblox staff are reading this please feel free to PM me asking for the place in question for each of these graphs. Just in case you need proof that it is not me shutting down computer / mobile access which would cause some of these graphs. Obviously there are problems as sometimes the total graph is less than the sum of all of the platforms, there is definitely something wrong with monthly stats these past few months.

I’ve had this issue for months.

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What even is this graph anymore?

Developers feel incredibly ignored by this problem, please fix it

The tablet+ phone + console of the past month total 700k, and the total visits say 500k. Ridiculous. And it doesn’t show me computer visits at all anymore