Developer Stats: Sum of place visits by age does not equal total visits

Looking at developer stats, here are our visits for August in Islands by age group:

1: 32385111
2: 23889069
3: 20491855
4: 15306317
5: 14059087
6: 13168008
7: 4167726

Sum of age groups: 123,467,173
Total: 126,530,040

For some reason, the sum of all groups is only 97.58% of the total visits.

I referenced another game we made and its August visits also have the same problem:

Sum of age groups: 307,202
Total: 317,711

Percent of total: 96.69%

This is not specific to August and seems to occur in all months I referenced. Consistently around 2%-5% of visits do not appear in any age group.

We are speaking with brands about sponsorships and need to give collateral with these stats. We either need these numbers to add up to 100% or need some explanation of why they do not (in a way that allows us to either consider the missing 2.42% “unknown” or to discount it and normalize the other results). Any information would help.



I calculated one of my games for August and the figure was 55,000 people off, or 1.4%

Agreed, we should know why this does not add up correctly


Not sure if this will help, but the visit counter on tons of games have been flat out broken for the past 3-4 weeks. This could possibly be your case if not a completely unrelated issue.

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As far as I know, visits by age does not factor in visits from Xbox players.

That was my initial instinct, however when adding Xbox visits to all other age groups I ended up decently over 100%. Maybe a subset of Xbox users do have age attached?


Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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I am in the process of checking over bug reports and following up on some bugs that haven’t received any activity in a while.
Is this issue still occurring or can you confirm that this bug has been resolved? We are having a hard time reproducing this issue

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Just added up for January so far, looks like sum of groups is about 98.8% of “total” category.

I know I’m late but the missing data is from Xbox users that have their privacy settings to be less strict.