Developers hardly know What is performant/How is ROBLOX Engine Working

As someone who likes to make games. I have very little transparency on how effective and performant my game will be since i have multiple way of achieving something.
For an example MeshParts vs Parts/ Collisions/Physics/MoveTo vs Move/ wait vs task wait etc

A lot of these questions Cant be answered by the community because the community dont know how the engine works and which is more performant.

new developers will still see the old body movers and think they are better than the new body movers.

a post like this in #resources:community-resources will drown in there

Engineers need to have a Category only for performance/Scripting Adjusting where they explain Which way is more performant and how/why. That way a lot of Developers will know how to make their game more performant


From what I have understood, it seems that you want to have a category where Roblox employees can explain how game performance works as well as understand the differences between functionality to another, right?

If that’s the case, I suppose that this idea could be applied, but instead of needing to develop another category, utilize #resources:roblox-staff. This subcategory is helpful and provides useful advice to anyone no matter their development skill.

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You can try and make your own benchmark metrics or use Roblox benchmark integrated graphs to compare performance within a method and another, use good practices and external sources with suggestions for performance improvement and optimization.

I think they won’t really be able to publish directly how each thing works at a super low level, since it could compromise the non open-source focus on Roblox Engine, but yeah it could be useful to have documentation about what works the best in performance.

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-- Record the initial time:
local startTime = os.clock()
-- Do something you want to measure the performance of:
local a, b = 0, 1
for _ = 1, 5000000 do
    a, b = b, a
-- Measure amount of time this took:
local deltaTime = os.clock() - startTime
print("Elapsed time: " .. deltaTime)
-->  Elapsed time: 0.044425600033719 (actual number may vary)

I want to check which is more performant for games, now run fastest

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It’s practically the same, I know it depends and varies on some cases, but usually the fastest solution is the most performant.

I couldn’t agree with this more. Much of the engine is a black box. In the absence of any understanding of these systems, developers reach their own often flawed conclusions through misleading benchmarking data, and faulty speculation. I wouldn’t know the logistics—but having something among the lines of this proposed resource, I think would be invaluable in getting developers on the same page.


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