Devex Declined and Requirements questions

Hi, so my DevEX was recently rejected. And i have some questions of some of the the requirements.

What i know 100% is true

  • I have a verified email address
  • I am over 13 years of age

So here are the requirements i am a bit sceptical of:

  • Valid DevEx portal account:
    This is my first time using Devex, so i don’t belive you have to do that - since you get invited to it.

  • Minimum of 30k robux in your account
    I could suspect that Roblox found my devex “suspicous” because of how i recieved my Robux. My friend owns a game (owned personally not in group), but all the gamepasses sold in the game is owned by a group that he owns. This way giving out “pay” to developers and staff is easier. And this could maybe set off some red flags, but my friend that owns the game/ and group got accepted. I also read something about if you recieve big amount of robux in a small amount, that may also cause some red flags - is this true?

  • Community member in good standing
    I have never been banned from my memory, i have only gotten warnings(long time ago) and 1 “copyright strike” from a game i made about 2 years ago. This is what i suspect the most to be “behind the rejection”, but i don’t really know what they tolerate

If anyone could please help me with my questions, i would be so happy.

  • Fr3ckz

30,000 earned robux means robux earned from selling gamepasses, premium payouts, selling other items, whatever. Selling limiteds doesn’t count, and neither does buying robux. I think group payouts count but I’m not sure, so if you have literally just 30k robux you can almost guarantee that not all of that is earned robux. I wish they’d tell you the reason for rejection though.

I had no robux prior to me joining the group, and after some saving up i finally had enough. Some of it came though gamepasses my friend bought that i owned, and some of it came from the group payouts. I have created a new Devex with 49k robux in it, so that will be 100% filled with “earned” robux i would imagine


  • If Robux is earned through gamepasses for special items

  • Commissions

Group Funds can be DevEx’d if it’s earned through one of those

You can talk to Roblox Support to know how you can be accepted.

I created a normal support ticket a couple of days ago with devex questions (no answers yet). Is there a special support email/or website i need to submit to?

No. Roblox Support is to use for everyone, It’s just best to wait it out. Good Luck!