DevEx rejected 4 times this month

Hello, I would like to ask if anyone is experiencing having trouble with devex cashouts. I never had a problem cashing out for the past 3 years until February came. I devexed 4 times already this month and it keeps on getting rejected with the reason “Not Eligible”. I already emailed Roblox support about it but they still don’t have a reply.

As you can see, they rejected my request 4 times. I tried to change the payment method and requested again. Am I the only one who’s having this problem?

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Are you trying to receive it through Paypal or an actual bank account? Because long ago I heard people had issues with trying to cashout with Paypal.

I’m receving it with Paypal. I didn’t have any issues on my last devex last month which is January. I’m very worried because I’m getting behind with my bills.

Anyway, can you send me a link of people who also had a hard time trying to DevEx? Thanks!

got the same type of thing so i logged into my tipalti portal account and it said i needed to add additional information

Only Roblox can help you with this really. They will tell you the reason why you’re not eligible. Make sure you did input your correct full name when making the request. It happened to me once that I misinput one letter and they kept denying my requests until I verified my identity again through my ID (I received an email from roblox, check your promotions tab as well since I usually get them there for some reason)

My requests also have been getting rejected for “Not Eligible” even though i’ve ensured i haven’t gotten recently moderated, ensured i use my real name, ensured i earned the robux legitimately and such.

I’ve contacted DevEx three times via Roblox support form, they haven’t responded yet (only customer support has responded).

So I’m not the only one. Did you changed anything to your tipalti or anything? Because mine was not changed anything. It’s still the same information I use everytime I DevEx, that’s why I’m so confused as to why they rejected my devex requests when I did not changed anything.

Btw, when did you send an email for DevEx Support? How long were you waiting since you sent the email? Thanks!

Hi! Did Roblox already replied to your email? My request has been rejected 6 times this month now. I don’t know what to do. :sob:

The Developer Exchange team has responded to my email at monday 11:25PM (basically yesterday) and claimed that the robux i earned was “not earned in accordance with the current Terms of Use” even though i did earn it in accordance with the terms of use so i responded to that and i am currently waiting for a response.

Are there less than 50 members in the DevEx Team? Or how many? Because they take a-while to respond! They’re one of the most wanted teams by Roblox Developers, if their understaffed, they need to hire more people!

Their email still does not clear things up. We are earning the same way we did with our previous DevEx requests, yet they said that it was not earned in accordance with TOS. In my case, I have 5m+ robux waiting. What am I supposed to do with it now? :frowning:

And yes! their DevEx team is ridiculously slow. They haven’t answered to my email as well. This is affecting my income and daily life as I still have bills to pay. :frowning:

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Hi, any updates on your DevEx? Were you able to withdraw?

Hello there,

I responded to DevEx about “Not Eligible”, i just had to proof that i actually make games/earned the robux legitimately.

Currently, from what i see, i just have to ID Verify as i recently by accidently had an error in inputting the name in the DevEx Form,

My DevEx Portal account is temporarily blocked because i tried logging in and it said it sent an “SMS Code” however it sent it after 5 minutes which means it has expired, so with enough login attempts, i was temporarily blocked so i just have to wait for Tipalti/DevEx to be unblocked.

I see. Mine just insisted that my devex request were moderated for Terms of Use violations. Nothing more. I replied and attached the .csv file of my sales from my groups were the robux came from. I know it’s not just about the robux where they said not earned in accordance to current Terms of Use because my brother also devex from the same sources and got accepted and mine was rejected. It doesn’t make any sense at all.

Anyway, so do you think your problem is now fixed Roblox would finally accept your devex request?

“Terms of Use Violations” is several serious moderation actions taken against your account, have you gotton any games DMCA’ed? Have you gotton any assets DMCA’ed? Have you been banned for account theft or such? Have your previous accounts been banned?

Yes, I got DMCA’ed August last year. But I was still able to devex until January. My brother’s account was also able to devex this month from the same sources so I highly doubt that the problem was on the robux. My brother should also not be able to devex if that was the case but he did.

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