What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
I want to exchange my robux using DevEx.
What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
After creating my Tipalti account and entering all my necessary info and creating a devex request, I’ve been declined several times (2-3 times) with the following reason: " Not Eligible" before finally making a roblox support ticket. They forwarded me to the devex support people and after explaining my issue, they told me that the way I earned my robux isn’t in accordance with the current Terms of Use, which is false since I earned all of them through my game. People bought gamepasses and developer products for exchange of in-game currency and other things such as VIP. I further responded to the ticket stating just what I said earlier, but they continued insinuating that apparently I’ve made my entirety of robux from Donations, which is false. I do in fact have some gamepasses in my Store page from roblox that have barely been bought (from the times I haven’t yet added an in-game store) and after some calculations, I’ve made a maximum amount of approximately 10K robux, which is no way near the entire amount I have made from the game. After clarifying this issue to the support team once again, they just repeated the same thing and announced me that further statements that I bring in that ticket will most likely be ignored. Now, I would understand this if I was in the wrong, thought I don’t see how that’s the case here since 10k of my robux could just stay in my account if they’re classified as Donations and the rest of the Robux should be exchangeable. It’s weird for me since in the devex tab, it says that my whole amount is eligible, yet when i exchange even just 30k out of it, I get rejected for not being eligible.
What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
As stated in the previous paragraph, I have tried contacting roblox and devex support. Besides that, I have tried exchanging smaller amounts of robux rather than my whole amount but that proved useless too. I didn’t find any devforum posts regarding this issue.
I’m still not sure If I’m doing something wrong but I hope someone can help me!
I guess maybe that you also have some other sources of robux, so lets assume you have 25k game revenue robux, and 5k of them are from other sources, so maybe roblox is onl considering these 25k as earned or something like that, like you are trying to dev ex a lil more than eard by games so those others arent counted as “earned”.
What you can do is calculate the correct amount generated an submit that for devex, maybe.
I currently have 100k robux. I’ve tried exchanging 90k, which I guess would not work since I have around 10k made from donations (even less). I then tried with only 30k, yet I got the same response. All my robux is made from in game products. (selling in game currency mostly)
Maybe try after making more or after 3-4 months or so…,
It is possible that when you gave your first request, you landed on a gray area of donations and earned. And he next time you tried for 30k, they assumed the same.
I also have the same problem. I have multiple games and I devexed my robux from my games last month (February) which amounts to 5.3m robux.
To make it short, it was also rejected for the same reason as you. They said that the earned robux was not earned in accordance to the current terms of use. I did remember that I have published a game from January that has a donation leaderboard where the developer products are named as Donate 5, Donate 10, Donate 100 and so on. I think I should’ve not named them anything that has the word “Donate”.
However, those donations only reached around 2,000 robux, way different compared to the dev products that actually provide benefits for the players. If our robux were rejected because they’re donation, I think it’s not fair. Our entire legit earnings are rejected just because of a few robux that came from donation.
Woah, that’s a huge amount to be wasted. It’s confusing tho, there’s games like Free Admins that are mainly profiting from donations, yet they can exchange the robux. The issue here probably just lies on the name, meaning roblox puts minimum effort in checking where our robux came from.
This is disappointing, but what can we do :/.
Other than removing the donation gamepasses, I guess there’s no way.
I may be misunderstanding your statement, but if these donations are, in fact, developer products from an experience that you own and have published for public access with active players on it, I don’t see how it breaks the Terms of Use.
I mean, these are developer products like many others. Regardless of whether they provide something to players or not, they are still part of the revenue generated from the experience. Additionally, I just checked the DevEx Terms of Use, and it is not written anywhere that donation products are ineligible for DevEx.
However, if these products come from an experience that you own but is private, and users purchase them through a donation game such as PLS Donate, or as payment for commissions, or anything similar, then these Robux are not eligible.
Exactly! No matter how hard I try to convince them that my earnings were all from a public running games, all they say that it was earned not in accordance to current TOS which is not fair. That’s all the devex support says. All I receive were pre-generated messages. They don’t point exactly why. I was able to devex since 2021 but suddenly got rejected last month.
Funny thing is when my brother devexed from the same exact sources and games from our group, it went through. It doesn’t make any sense at all.