Devex users should be able to create topics in the developer categories by default

As a Roblox developer and a forum Member, it is currently too hard to report bugs or suggest features because of the ambiguous threshold that is reaching “Regular” impeding me from creating any topics in the development categories. I know the general consensus is to be more “active” however I visit the forum a ton, I just don’t reply to topics unless I truly believe I can contribute to the topic (like my last post which was very appreciated).

My suggestion for this problem is simple, just have it so that anyone who has devex (or devexxed past a certain threshold of Robux) automatically have the option to create topics in the developer categories because at that point I believe they certainly are developers with developer problems.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my experience using the forum because I have bugs to report related to client-side constraint network ownership issues, animation issues, lack of built-in-tools for blender-to-motor6D animations (alongside bones), and the list goes on. Not to mention countless feature requests such as exposing low level OpenGL draw call stuff but that’s something that really deserves its own topic. That’s all.


With the devex limit continually being lowered this is not a valid measure for how competent a developer is, nor would it be even if the limit was still as high as it used to be. Reminder to focus on problems when making feature requests, not solutions. Also, this problem has been beaten to death and Roblox is working on different solutions. Please support an existing topic on this issue.


That is why I also mentioned a threshold for Robux devexxed. If a developer has made over a certain amount of Robux after a while, they are very much likely competent developers.

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I’m talking about competence in terms of forum usage. Roblox has or will have their own solutions to cope with this problem. Devex is not a measure of this.

you can contact @Bug-Support for bugs, but there isn’t for feature requests and I suggested to add something like @Feature-Support, also if you really want to make #feature-requests and #bug-reports available to Developer Exchange users, then there should be a new trust level called DevEx or lower the requirements of being a Regular.


there should be a new trust level called DevEx or lower the requirements of being a Regular .



This seems like a proposed solution of a problem that is frequently reported in this category, namely that not all users are able to get access to creating topics in certain categories.

Since this problem is already extensively covered in existing topics, going to lock this. Please support the existing threads, and for future reference please try to describe problems rather than proposed solutions in this category!