Anyone up for a chess game?
- Must be 13+ and have DevForum (message me to play)
- Must know chess notation
- Must understand these games take a long time
- Turns cannot take longer than a span of 14 days
- Must use my template below (you can edit with your favorite image editor)
- Accept that results of each game will be posted in replies below
- Message must be named “Chess”, or, if it’s your second game, “Chess 2” etc.
- If you want to play a game with someone other than me, add me to a 3-way message
Chess template:
Example chess template:
Template for game ends:
Results for Game #0
Victor: Ty_Scripts
Defeated: ChessFan48278924
1 d4 e6
… (real ones would quite obviously go here)
13 Qe2!! d5??
14 Bc8#