DevForum Creative - A Fully Customizable Forum Experience!

DevForum Creative (or DFC. for short) Is A All New CSS Style For The DevForum!

Packed With Settings For Color, Font Sizes, Border Radiuses, Line Heights, And That Pesky Creator Hub Topbar No One Likes! Just Kidding, it’s better with DFC!

The Look Of Every Page, And Every Theme

( except for light mode…which was broken cuz i had the dark reader web extension on lol )

On This Forum Has Been Unified With A Familiar, But Aesthetically Pleasing Look!

Well Then, Enough Of The Chit-Chat! Here’s A 14 Minute Video Showcasing Every Aspect Of DevForum Creative!


So, What Did Ya Think? And If Aren’t Satisfied, Install The Style Yourself, It Just Requires The Stylus Web Extension (Just Check Search For It On Your Browsers Extensions Store!)

(Note: To Access The Settings, Click The Stylus Extension Icon After You’ve Installed DFC, And Click The Gear Next To It, There You Can Modify The Various Settings!)


Well, Thats All Of DevForum Creative, I Hope You Enjoyed Looking At This Passion Project Of Mines.

But, Don’t Worry, I Still Have A Ton Of Fun, New Stuff Coming Out, So Stay Tuned For Those! But For Now, Just Remember, it’s Dashin’ Time! See Everyone Later. - KIngBlueDash

Donating (Optional)

Like this CSS style and wanna support me? you can do so by donating! although, you don’t have to spend your robux on my gamepasses, especially if you don’t have enough, but i am grateful either way.



Correct me if I am wrong, but I can’t see any big difference between the normal and your theme.


Just got the update today! Really love how fluent this is and it feels so alive. This was definitely worth the wait. Will there be any updates in the future?

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Yeah, i wanted it to feel familiar, but make the DevForum feel a lot smoother and clean, the main aspect is the customization of it.


At the moment, i’ll update it whenever someone suggests something, as i feel its completed now.


quick update, i found the original thumbnails i made a few months on my old laptop, and i’ve updated the post with them!

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Decided to make a lil halloween theme for DevForum Creative.

And fixed some issues with colors (though, let me know if there’s anymore issues with colors.)

Plus i made this small menu that shows creator hub topbar when the browser window is small enough, disappear when the “HideCreatorHubTopbar” setting is enabled.

Then lastly i added a setting to change the “DevForum Creative!” text to something spooky to match the horrifying(-ly unscary…) atmosphere!

anyways here’s the theme:

Theme Colors
  • Background Color: #171311

  • Primary: #ff5716

  • Primary Very High: #fc7642

  • Primary High: #ff6427

  • Primary Low Mid: #e25017

  • Primary Medium: #c4410e

  • Primary Low: #9b2f05

  • Primary Very Low: #681e01

  • Secondary: #171311

  • Secondary Very High: #261e1b

  • Secondary High: #3c2d29

  • Secondary Medium: #523d38

  • Secondary Low: #916053

  • Tertiary: #ff802b

  • Tertiary High: #ff9045

  • Tertiary Medium: #d55f10

  • Tertiary Low: #8c3c06

  • Tertiary Very Low: #5e2803

  • Tertiary Hover: #f99d5f

  • Highlight: #ff802b

  • Highlight High: #ff8939

  • Highlight Medium: #c65b13

  • Highlight Low Or Medium: #954109

  • Highlight Low: #6a2d04

And finally, Happy Halloween Everyone! - KingBlueDash

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I have found a bug within the style. When you click/or press on a screenshot, sample code moves(As well as the topic title text)
Video of this occurring:

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Yeah, i thought i had fix this bug before, but i’ll check it out and fix it soon (+ fix some issues with colors too.)


update: the issue hasn’t happened to me so your version may have not been updated, you could try re-installing to see if the issues occurs.


Mine was already up to date but today it just stopped on it’s own.

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Maybe i didn’t change the version or something, but did it fix the issue?

It appears to not be occurring anymore so yeah I guess so

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Alright then, if you have anymore issues or suggestions, just let me know!

just released a new update! this time it’s a new color palette, you can see it if you have the “Custom Colors” setting enabled, i call it “Creative Frost!” since it tries make the DevForum colors match with the dark blue background when using the Roblox Dark theme.

Just a few suggestions:

  • We should be able to remove and shorten the OP and Profession titles (this theme forces OP to Original Poster).
  • If it’s possible, (I’m not sure), a button for horizontal line, abbr, and a dropdown (for ins, mark, and del, if not possible, maybe separately?) should be added here. These are not on base devforum and you need to use HTML for these.

    ABBR (hover over) (abbr title=“This is abbr”)
    this is a mark
    Horizontal line: (hr)

i should be able to do the first one, but i think second isn’t possible since CSS is intended for styling and not functionality sadly.

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Heh, nice theme dude.
Good to see people still using stylus in this day and age.
Time to make everything red and emo

Update: I made it red and emo. 10/10 post, keep cooking dude.

P.S. how do i get rid of the bar at the top .-.

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Thanks, i appreciate it! and just pushed a update to hide the topbar, make it glossy (blur anything behind it), or change the width of it! hope this is what you were referring to.


This, I believe.

it’s honestly been weird in long replies as the profile circle and topbar clipped, but it isn’t happening for me anymore so idk

also, this happens when hiding the topbar, the devforum icon still shows up and clips with profiles.

You also cannot access the profile icon in the top right, and making it glossy and hiding it at the same time adds a weird blur.