There is currently no place to test post formatting on this forum. I suggest we create a category for it, so you can test formatting features!
You could just send a message to yourself.
I thought it was for posting game announcements?
It is but no one really checks up on it and you can post random off-topic stuff there to which you can delete later on. Or just do what xyrafrost mentioned.
What @xyrafrost suggested is more appropriate as you can get potentially flagged if you were to create a topic that is not aligned with the category’s purpose.
To message yourself, @TabularDesert77, you can go to your profile page (Profile - TabularDesert77 - Developer Forum | Roblox), from the Summary section, press “Messages,” in the left inferior side, click “New Message” and add your user so you are the only one who can view your PM:
Then, press Message, and you are all set!
Thanks for posting about the issue. We recommend using private messages to test formatting.