Awesome idea! I think @Crazedbrick1 and @FroDev1002 deserve to be in here, just bc they are the most active people!
Speaking of this, should there be tiers or just one global hall of fame?
A global hall of fame would be better, given how subjective a ranking would be.
Forummer pretty much left the forum entirely. It was quite cool to have him help literally every single scripting support topic though. But I am trying to beat his solutions!!
Only 892 solutions to go! Woo… yay…
One thing I hated about him is that he used:
local Script = script
Makes no sense, and he said that it was for like easy writing?
You could make it something like tiers. Add the most liked on something like a tall podium and send the most hated in the swamp. I don’t wanna point names on the most hated here.
Maybe try considering community sage?
I would like to state that cocaine is not the best way. Because it’s illegal and hard to get and bad for health! In my personal opinion it’s just 10 tons of caffeine being injected in yah.
hooksmith and the mod who has AOD or something in their name i forget the name should be in there
they are really nice and supportive
I’ll go global and for a theme for the hall, maybe something futuristic. Like the iron man hall of armor, maybe.
I’m also trying to have a prompt, that when pressed, it shows a GUI with solutions, likes, etc.
@CrazedBrick1, @FroDev1002 , @Awesomepad, @AVeryFancyDoctor, @awry_y, @caibles, @Scottifly , @HugeCoolboy2007, @StrongBigeMan9, @Forummer, @JohhnyLegoKing, @SeargentAUS, @13_5G, @RocketSlither, @HakaiShin_AOD
Only if I consent to be put in a game. To which I don’t.
Also. What titles or quote would you give to those people you mentioned?
I nominate 5uphi (they provide great resources for the community, and their tutorials are tremendously informative), and fellow_meerkat (very knowledgeable, and provides professional quality help)
@DeVague_RBLX Thanks for nominating me
To be clear, you don’t want to be added to the Hall?
I mean, what have I contributed to this forum that makes me have a “special” spot? All I usually do here is to find someone with common issues that I already have gone through and make some random tutorials.
It’s your choice if you want to add me or not. I don’t mind lol.
I mean must look at crazed brick! He is the forums pedo- i mean sorry popular guy.
My list:
@FroDev1002 @Crazedbrick1 @DeVague_RBLX @HakaiShin_AOD
@Awesomepad @Polygonizised
These are people who are active and pretty chill