Hello, I am currently working on a Devforum Hall
Of Fame of the most notable, helpful, etc forumets from the best 11 years of this forum. But since there is 11 years of info to comb through. I’d decide I’d ask the forums if they had any suggestions on who should be added.
I’ve seen the people with the admired badge a bunch: Admired badge on Developer Forum | Roblox
@Crazedbrick1 goated, weird display name change, but he should be in the DevForum hall of fame for sure
@murjarquitecto their constructions are simply amazing
@JackscarIitt and @EmbatTheHybrid both incredible helpers.
I think I speak for all of us when I say I need to be up there, its not debatable.
I mean look at all the cool stuff I’ve done :]
In all honesty I gotta say @Crazedbrick1 , Even though the glaze is crazy for him, hes cool.
I was gonna say nominate quackity but uhhhh mods dont ban me please
i think @FroDev1002 should def be in there, i totally dont owe anyone stuff.
Also @Crazedbrick1 and @Awesomepad, cool guys.
@colbert2677 was pretty influential but he is not as active now
he is the only winner of the “Problem Solver Bloxy Award” which I believe is related to his contribution to the dev forum back then
didnt realise how little people had this badge, lol
personally I deserve a spot cough cough
my contributions to the pathetic moaning and whining that this platform generates is not to be underestimated
Should I include staff like Hooksmith? Some staff have made a huge impact on the forum, so I might.
@Crazedbrick1 (not glazing) @Forummer, @colbert2677, @FroDev1002, @NACER_RPG (he has been working on his project for over 3 years), @xChris_vC, @XenoDenissboss1, @MrChickenRocket (he created chickynoid which I have yet to understand), @Fraiixen (they created pretty cool stuff), @ffrostfall (for creating BridgeNet and BridgeNet2) and @Awesomepad.
Not much I can really think on the top of my head, most of these are just the same picked throughout the topic but I knowledge their position on the Hall of Fame, some are personal preference. You get the gist.
Never thought I would get recognition, thanks man!
Where am I on this list???
I would say yes, some of the mods have been great!
Also add @Shedletsky for obvious reasons
can i have an award for most Toxic, most Condescending and most Pretentious @AVeryFancyDoctor
You can be rewarded for being the last chill Top Contributor who uses the forum nowadays.
think some of the mod like hakai or bitdancer deserve a spot too
Definitely @HugeCoolboy2007, @FroDev1002, @Maximum_ADHD, @bluebxrrybot, @AVeryFancyDoctor, and maybe @Polygonizised. Also literally all Roblox staff