Devforum Hall of Fame

bruhhh who flagged my new post (edit: hijackedsystem i know you did this :angry:)

it was taken down within reason i suppose


Imma assume it was because of a duplicate. Maybe edit the post and topic a bit to look seperate and then appeal i guess

i didnt have much reason to make a new post anyway

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hmm, it got taken down, you want me to make a post instead?

Don’t. The post was a duplicate. There is no need for another one of these threads.

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what do you have to offer to the table

But then this is too crowded. And how do you know the other was a duplicate?

Maybe just don’t flood this thread with non-contributive replies? :sob:

Because it’s identical?!?!

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In a sense, but not a true duplicate. As one is asking for ideas, and the other is showing progress

What would you want?β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž

I mean maybe the topic itself but the title was litterally the same just with the difference with the β€œ!” in the end

theyre in very different categories

Depends, what do you have to offer

do this in PM or bvtterdays will get angry :sob:

Do you mean currency or skilll

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So, what should change? the name?


this entails the character limit

I know how to script β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž


this also entails the character limit

While they were made in different categories, the topic is the same. Making duplicate topics is not allowed on the rules of the Developer Forum. You can notice this by analyzing some bug reports out of curiosity.

My suggestion here is identical to @bvetterdays’ reply by avoiding too much flooding. If you still believe that this won’t be enough, it is possible to create a PM (Private Message) with only those you wish to speak while they are managing this project.

That out of the way, I wish you all can have a good luck creating this hall game!