Devforum has become difficult on the iPad with the update =(

I have like this problem:

Why I have this problem but in the message:

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Can you try changing your forum theme and see if this still occurs (e.g. between the light, dark, and roblox themes)?

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And look if I reply you:

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Try resizing the page to make more content fit.

What do you mean @jumpcats1234

What web browser are you using?

Chrome why you asking? @jumpcats1234

Look up how to zoom out on google chrome browser

If I reply to you:

If I post the topic:

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Do you have the ability to switch your browser to Safari?

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I have the safari and I hate safari but I will try

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I think you will have to start using Safari as your DevForum browser.

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I will delete the chrome and download again.

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I found out that this is a problem from the site, not from the program

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Discourse in general is meant to be used on a PC (especially for creating topics). If you’re using an iPad, I strongly recommend plugging in a keyboard.

Also, the issue is just because they improperly labeled the create topic box, and Chrome thinks it’s a password box:

You can also change your keyboard’s size.

I know but I don’t want this @SubtotalAnt8185

In that case, you should probably just use a PC to create topics. I’ve never found creating topics on mobile devices to be easy, and this bug report doesn’t say they’re any more difficult than they were before, compared to the ease of use on a PC.

I don’t have a computer. My computer is broken for no reason

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Have you tried to resize your browser by using the aA buttons on the top?