Devforum interprets HTTPS-Only requests as HTTP

Accessing the Devforum without defining the URL’s protocol scheme defaults rerouting to use HTTP. In conjunction with using HTTPS-Only Mode, this causes a connection timeout, and failure to access the site without clicking “Try Again.”

Discourse handles HTTPS, and the reroute to an HTTP site for those using HTTPS-Only Mode results in the connection failure.

For an unknown reason, Google Chrome does not experience the problem the same. I have no extensions, themes, and use otherwise default security settings on both browsers.

Affected browsers:

  • Firefox

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Have Firefox installed and enable HTTPS-Only Mode
  2. Start Firefox and go to “

EDIT: For anyone finding this thread experiencing this issue, the temporary solution to continue using HTTPS-Only Mode is to add the Devforum to your exclusions list.