Devforum isn't letting people into bug reports and feature requests

Look guys, let’s be real, Devforum isn’t letting people into bug reports and feature requests. I’m sure we all know someone who applied for @AllowBugReports or @AllowFeatureRequests a long time ago, and I mean months, that hasn’t been accepted in yet. Which is why I just want to make this clear, Devforum isn’t letting people into bug reports. Sure, some Roblox admin is gonna say “We’re trying our best to let people in this groups”. Well, if you are, how come there’s still only ~5600 users in @AllowFeatureRequests and ~6000 in @AllowBugReports ? Devforum mods, let’s be real, you know you stopped letting people into these groups, just accept it. And what makes me angrier is the fact that you decided to write this.

Now, I don’t know if this is in the wrong category, but I assume it’s either a bug or that you guys just stopped letting people in, and since there’s no specific category for “you guys just stopped letting people in”, I’m just posting this in forum bugs.



I requested to join a month ago and didn’t get in :neutral_face:

For me, it’s been 3 months… I had access on an alternative account but now as I don’t use it anymore, so it sucks.

This is not a bug:

This should be in #forum-help:forum-questions. If this is how you’re using the forum bug category, I don’t want to imagine what you’re going to post in #bug-reports when you’re given access. You can’t be posting these kind of things as bugs just because you want to complain; all it does is wastes peoples’ time. There’s countless other threads on this with answers and I’m sure you’ve already read most of them, including some from Roblox staff.

For now, you can always DM @Bug-Support with any bugs you want to report and your posts will be approved by a moderator and then posted. See the thread I linked above for more replies related to your issue.


I got accepted, also you can suit bug reports by pressing the big button on the top right corner at the main forum page.

Development discussion is NOT for that kind of posts.


which button? i don’t see a button for bug reports

I have a big report bug button. Right next to create topic.

maybe its because you’re accepted into @AllowBugReports which is why you have that button

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I will take it down right now.

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Wasn’t this topic already addressed by Hooksmith on why the allowed access on both are at a stop at the moment?

Please do not make topics similar to this one, you already asked once.

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Hey, this is not a bug report, so closing this out.

Please read The Big Bug Reporting Update and any staff updates for further information.

FWIW, it is not mentioned in the thread above, but we accepted a couple hundred people the other week. It is already mentioned several times in the thread above why this is going slower than you might expect so read the staff replies there!