DevForum Module: Retrieve DevForum User Data with ease

DevForum Module: Retrieve DevForum User Data with ease

The DevForum Module is a very simple module: It allows you to retrieve a player’s DevForum Data (everything that is public to anyone that is). It also offers some very basic functions that don’t require you to write long functions, including :IsMember(), :IsRegular() and :GetGroups(). A full list can be found below.

Module Functions

The module has 9 functions in total right now, :IsMember(), :IsRegular(), :IsLeader(), :IsInForum(), :GetGroups(), :IsInGroup(), :GetData(), :GetTrustLevel() and :PerformRequest().

All functions except :PerformRequest() take the same type of argument, request.
The request argument can be one of the following types: username (string), userId (number) or an Player Instance. The :PerformRequest() function only accepts the username (string) as it’s parameter.

The module receives the information over HttpService, so make sure you enabled HTTP Requests in the game you want to use it in.


The documentation is the function name and what it returns, like shown in the example below. DiscourseUser and DiscourseGroup is always the JSON provided below. The :PerformRequest() function will not be documented since :GetData() should be used instead. If it can’t find the user you specified, then system will be used as fallback. Please note that it will return nil if it can’t find any results at all or if an error happened.

All requests are cached, but you can bypass it by using the PerformRequest() function. Example: PerformRequest(username, true). true tells the module to bypass the cache and get the latest version.

Quick Navigation:

Discourse Responses:

  "user_badges": [
  "user": {
    "id": 0,
    "username": "string",
    "avatar_template": "string",
    "name": {},
    "last_posted_at": "string",
    "last_seen_at": "string",
    "created_at": "string",
    "website_name": {},
    "can_edit": true,
    "can_edit_username": true,
    "can_edit_email": true,
    "can_edit_name": true,
    "can_send_private_messages": true,
    "can_send_private_message_to_user": true,
    "trust_level": 0,
    "moderator": true,
    "admin": true,
    "title": {},
    "uploaded_avatar_id": {},
    "badge_count": 0,
    "custom_fields": {},
    "pending_count": 0,
    "profile_view_count": 0,
    "primary_group_name": {},
    "primary_group_flair_url": {},
    "primary_group_flair_bg_color": {},
    "primary_group_flair_color": {},
    "invited_by": {},
    "groups": [
        "id": 0,
        "automatic": true,
        "name": "string",
        "user_count": 0,
        "alias_level": 0,
        "visible": true,
        "automatic_membership_email_domains": {},
        "automatic_membership_retroactive": true,
        "primary_group": true,
        "title": {},
        "grant_trust_level": {},
        "notification_level": {},
        "has_messages": true,
        "is_member": true,
        "mentionable": true,
        "flair_url": {},
        "flair_bg_color": {},
        "flair_color": {}
    "featured_user_badge_ids": [
    "card_badge": {}
  "id": 0,
  "automatic": true,
  "name": "string",
  "user_count": 0,
  "mentionable_level": 0,
  "messageable_level": 0,
  "visibility_level": 0,
  "primary_group": true,
  "title": "string",
  "grant_trust_level": null,
  "has_messages": true,
  "flair_url": "string",
  "flair_bg_color": "string",
  "flair_color": "string",
  "bio_cooked": "string",
  "bio_excerpt": "string",
  "public_admission": true,
  "public_exit": true,
  "allow_membership_requests": true,
  "full_name": "string",
  "default_notification_level": 0,
  "membership_request_template": "string",
  "members_visibility_level": 0,
  "can_see_members": true,
  "publish_read_state": true

Documentation Example:

function DevForum:FunctionName(parameter)
    return string or nil


function DevForum:GetData(request)
	return DiscourseUser or nil
	-- Returns their entire Data


function DevForum:GetTrustLevel(request)
	return number or nil
	-- Returns the users current trust level


function DevForum:IsMember(request)
	return boolean or nil
	-- Only returns true if they are a Member


function DevForum:IsRegular(request)
	return boolean or nil
	-- Only returns true if they are a Reglar


function DevForum:IsLeader(request)
	return boolean or nil
	-- Only returns true if they are a Leader


function DevForum:IsInForum(request)
	return boolean or nil
	-- Only returns true if they are a New Member or higher


function DevForum:GetGroups(request)
    return DiscourseGroup[] or nil
    -- Returns an Array of DiscourseGroups the user is in


-- groupName accepts the group name or group id
function DevForum:IsInGroup(request, groupName)
	return boolean, DiscourseGroup or nil
	-- Warning: This returns both a boolean and a DiscourseGroup
	-- Only returns true if they are in the group
	-- Returns nil instead of DiscourseGroup if they are not in the group

Where can I get the module

Update Checker

The module warns you when you are running an outdated version. Please note that using the require() method is the only way to currently auto update the module.


This looks really cool. However, it should be noted that the DevForum shouldn’t be a form of “privilege” over others, and if people restrict certain game aspects, it may be an issue. Nonetheless, nice work.