DevForum 'ROBLOX Dark' has font inconsistencies

  • Detailed description of bug;

The DevForum has an inconsistency with fonts on the title part of posts, on desktop, and mobile, using the older font on this part.

  • When it started happening;

I don’t know, I created this topic when I noticed this, after testing on 2 different browsers.

  • Screenshots and videos of the bug;

Screenshot 2022-01-16 at 13.18.46 - old theme
Screenshot 2022-01-16 at 13.19.16 - roblox dark
Screenshot 2022-01-16 at 13.19.55 - light

you should notice the roblox dark title isn’t in the gotham font

  • Steps to reproduce the issue;

Open a random topic, and notice the font difference whilst on ‘ROBLOX Dark.’

edit: this happened on my pixel 3a too, on mobile. it’s much more noticeable here


Sorry, this isn’t very clear to me. Are you saying that you expect the fonts to be the same across these themes?

We intentionally have a different font for the “Roblox Dark” theme.


To complement this, there is also this inconsistency with the profiles.


No, as you can see in my pictures, the ROBLOX Dark in the picture has the exact same font as the other two (‘old theme’ and ‘light’), which isn’t meant to happen. You can see this since the ‘Forum Help’ line in the ROBLOX Dark screenshot IS Gotham, where as the title of the topic isn’t Gotham. This is the bug I’m trying to highlight.

@IJustDavi’s reply above mine also complements this. You can see here that the font used in the display name, Roblox username, and profession tag is different to the player’s description below it. Expected behaviour is the entire player card being in the Gotham font.
Screenshot 2022-01-16 at 22.12.48

Sorry if this wasn’t clear enough.


They are talking about how the text in the forum when with ROBLOX Dark theme applied, does not share the same font-family as expected, which should be Gotham ScreenSmart.


I see, thank you for the bug report! I’ll have someone on the team take a look and let you know if I have any followup questions/clarifications.

Should be fixed. Thanks for flagging


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