Dev forum notifications are meant for dev forum notifications and dev forum notifications only. Just check the talent hub if you’re so concerned about missing notifications?
My concern is nobody ever checks it, because why would you? Not a ton of people check it which is why it’s so dead, and most of the time your applications are unread or left on read
This would fix the problem because people actually check here unlike the talent hub
If you are so concerned, just check the talent hub yourself. I would also ask if you can source these
If nobody uses the talent hub, then they won’t get notifications because they don’t interact with it, making this redundant imo. Just check it yourself every now and then.
Thanks for the request. We’re already looking into how we can pull all creator-related notifications (forum, talent hub, any future creator-related notifications from the creator dashboard) together into a single source.
That source won’t necessary live just on devforum, it would be reachable from all the sites.
I have the exact same issue, quite inconvenient as Talent hub is the only place now to find jobs and this just renders it useless. This needs to get Fixed ASAP.
yeah, this is a very big problem, i dont even know if someone replied me back, i just go thru all my applications and read all of them to see if someone replied.