DevForum to Discord Webhook

I’m just gonna get straight to the point: How would I make a webhook from the DevForum to Discord. Like, instead of Roblox to Discord, I’d use DevForum to Discord.

I want to make a webhook that posts DevForum announcements automatically in one of the channels in a server.

I know its possible because I’ve seen another server do it.

Can someone please tell me how I could do this?

Just post what the DevForum says, or have a bot do it. Since the DevForums isn’t a game, you can’t really have a ‘proxy’ to send messages, you need a bot to get the info and send it to the server.

It’s not as straightforward as Roblox Servers to Discord, but is definitely possible.

Note: This belongs in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support

How would I do that?

Java, more Java, some JavaScript (possibly), and Java!

All jokes aside, you’d need to get a request, using a 3rd party, then take the request, and send it to discord and post it. That’s probably the best way to explain it, but since I’ve never done it, I don’t have any links sadly.

Um. Can you further elaborate on that? I still don’t fully understand.

EDIT: Check my reply below

You would not be able to do it in Roblox. You would have to use another programming language, such as Java or Node.js (JavaScript). Once you have chosen a language, you must then run a cron job (a ‘script’ that runs whenever you set it to, e.g. daily at 3:00pm) that makes a HTTP GET request to the announcements category and parses the HTML. From there, get all the new articles (you could maybe do this by checking when they were published and comparing them to when the cron last ran?) and get the link, then send it to a webhook.

Here are some packages that should help (Node.js):

Sorry about the format. I’m on mobile.

Actually, after further research it seems that there is a Discourse (the software roblox uses for the forum) API, so just use that rather than parsing the HTML. Will be quicker + futureproof. Here’s a link:

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Thanks! :slight_smile:

I’ll take a look at the Documentation that you linked.

Alr, I know it 8 hours later, but I found a way to get all the topics.

You can’t do this with webhooks, instead, bots.

Basically we use the thing the cool kids call “JSON”

Now I assume you have node.js, discord.js, and node-fetch installed.

This is the script:

const { Client, Intents, MessageEmbed, TextChannel } = require('discord.js');
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const client = new Client({ intents: [Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_MESSAGES] });

async function getLatestPosts() {
     await fetch('')
    .then(res => res.json())
        let notificationChannel = client.channels.cache.get('949099990389755996') // channel ID here
        let topicList = data.topic_list;
        let topics = topicList.topics;
        // read each topic
        topics.forEach(topic => {
            let createdAt = topic.created_at;
            let date = new Date();
            // embed data
            let id = // topic id
            let title = topic.title
            // check if the topic was created today
            let currentDay = date.getUTCDate();
            let currentMonth = date.getUTCMonth() + 1;
            let currentYear = date.getUTCFullYear();
            // get created at args
            let timeArgs = createdAt.split("-") // split the created at string to get each arg
            let createdDay = timeArgs[2];
            let createdMonth = timeArgs[1];
            let createdYear = timeArgs[0]

            createdDay = createdDay.split("T")[0] // seperate the rest of the time to get ONLY the day
            console.log(createdMonth, currentMonth)
            // now check if the topic was created today
            //currentDay === createdDay && currentMonth === createdMonth && currentYear === createdYear
            if (currentDay == createdDay && currentMonth == createdMonth && currentYear == createdYear)
                console.log('passed thru check')
                // add embed
                const embedData = {
                    color: "#f50404",
                    author: {
                        name: 'New Roblox Update!',
                        url: `${id}`,
                    fields: [
                            name: title,
                            value: "ROBLOX UPDATE BABYYYYYY"
                // send embed
                notificationChannel.send({ embeds: [embedData] });
            setTimeout(() => {}, 1000);// add a 1 second delay per checks

client.once('ready', () => {

client.login('TOKENHERE'); // log bot in

For testing I put it as bulletin board. But for announcements change that to


For constant checking, you can make the getLatestPost function in a while loops. Anyways, if u have any questions feel free to ask :slight_smile:
