"Device Emulation" now stuck in fullscreen resolution, and cannot escape

System Information
Windows 11 Version 10.0.25936 Build 25936, AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090, 32GB DDR4 RAM
Studio Version
Version 0.592.0.5920587 (64bit)

Since I turned on the Device Emulator onto a custom 4K mode with “Actual Resolution” and clicked inside, I get locked into the fullscreen emulation and cannot escape (including by pressing Esc) without spamming F11 and hoping to click the “X” button. Clicking out of the window will minimize it as expected, but as soon as I click inside of the studio window again (no matter where I click, Explorer or the Game Window itself) it locks me back into fullscreen.

I managed to resolve this by setting a keybind to access the Device picker and removing the 4K device, but this was still not intuitive.

Expected behavior

I should be able to click out of the window or press the Escape key, and then click anywhere outside the Game Window to change the display mode back to “Fit to Window” or another option.


Hey there! I’m in the same boat too (thank you for bringing attention to this!) Would you possibly be able to explain how you set up the keybind to change the setting? I managed to exit out of the emulator, however when I re-enable I’m automatically stuck in fullscreen again…!

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


i just ran into this as well. a escape keybind would be nice


Yeah I cant exit out of it either why didnt they add something where you can exit out of it

It doesnt make any sense

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Had this exact issue.

Another way to resolve it is by:

  1. Pressing the windows key.
  2. If roblox is in fullscreen, press f11.
  3. Quickly drag the top bar for roblox studio so it makes it smaller.
  4. Click the desktop
  5. Quickly double click “Test” tab.
  6. If its gone back into the fullscreen state, press the windows key again.
  7. In the test tab, click “Device”.

Hopefully this works for others until roblox manages to fix it.


Hi! This will be addressed when we revise the Studio emulator. In the meantime I’d suggest using the workaround you’ve described. Thanks again!


To anyone still suffering from this problem:
While in Fullscreen Glitch: Press Windows and click the “X” to close the Emulator.
After that go to Settings → Rendering → Direct3D11 And then Go To Device Emulator And Set it to Fit To Window.

I tried your fix but setting my Graphics Mode to Direct3D11 didn’t fix it, however when I set it to ‘No Graphics’ I was able to change the emulator back to Fit To Window. Just thought I’d mention this as a side fix for anyone who’s struggling from the same thing.

I also ran into this problem and figured out a simple solution rather than changing rendering settings. All you have to do is change the display resolution on your computer settings to something else.