DevLog 1 》RoStats - Stats For You!

it doesn’t show stats for every developer - only ones who signed up. For more info about it heres my first post about the project.

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Okay, I appreciate the response. I had thought that not every developer would like to see people stalking their progress or current development status, because that can be used against them heavily.

Wish you luck on this project.


What are all the possible skills to apply for?

currently, there is currently 8 skills a developer could get;

:scroll: Scripting
:building_construction: Building
:dancer: Animating
:hammer_and_pick: Modelling
:paintbrush: Art
:notes: Composing
:bookmark_tabs: Interfacing
:tshirt: Tailoring

More will probably be added.


This seems like a really cool concept! In all honestly I would not even mind if there were a few ads on the website because this is a really good idea. I hope you manage to release this soon! I can’t wait to see how useful this is going to be.

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I don’t see why not you should let players donate. Donations will really help support your website!


I’m glad to tell you guys that I have switched the framework of the website from Flask to Django. Django is WAY more secure and more suitable for the type of website I am making. :slight_smile:

Couple months later… I can already see this going to be a BIG help! :smiley:

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New DevLog is out - make sure to check it out: DevLog 2 》RoStats - Stats For You! - #2 by Bac_Stab

Hey Robloxians, RoStats has released! You can find the website by visiting!

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