DevLog 1 》RoStats - Stats For You!

RoStats - Stats For You!

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Hello I am @NamelessGuy2005, The other day I made a post in Development Discussion about if my idea for a website that contains stats of roblox developers would be good. The response I got was amazing, 117 users voted on the poll, 74% of which said they would use the website.

Image Of Poll

My website currently has basic features such as;

  • login and signup (with discord)
  • profile pages for each developer (profiles currently have skills, status, indicator)
    • skills are fields in roblox studio development (scripting, building, etc)
    • status’s tell weather the developer is for hire and if they are hiring
    • indicators indicate if a developer is reputable

I have decided now that I should devlogs about the development of the website. Here is DevLog 1 :partying_face:! In this devlog I will be going through in detail what the website is and what I have done so far. Each section of my devlogs will be divided into summarys/chapters to make it easier to read the information!

Chapter 1: What Is RoStats?

RoStats is a website where you can see stats of different roblox Developers, Players and Traders. At first I will add stats for developers, then players, then finally Traders. As you probably saw there are 3 variations of the RoStats logo at the top of the page, each logo represents a different section of roblox’s userbase.

devstats - Stats About Developers

playstats - Stats About Players

tradestats - Stats About Traders

As you can see this will take alot of time and effort to make stats for each of these unique sections of the user-base. But with the right determination I can do it. If you are still confused about my website then here is my first post about the project:

Chapter 2: What I've Done So Far?

Currently there is not a lot of stuff on the website, but here is a long list of stuff that has been implemented (all of these images are from the website, they are not mockups):

Home/Index Page

Signup Page

Sign Up Options

Sign Up Options [With Discord Selected]

Sign Up Options [Without Discord Selected]

Sign Up With Discord - BloxLink Account Detected

Sign Up With Discord - Manual Sign Up

Sign Up Without Discord

Profile Page

What My Empty Profile Looks Like When I Am Logged In

What My Profile Looks Like When I Am Logged In

What My “Signed Up Without Discord” Account Looks Like

What My Profile looks Like When I Am Logged Out

Skill Application Page (WIP)

That’s about all I’ve done to the website. As you can probably tell some pages need some tweaking but all of the pages above are about done.

Chapter 3: My Design Proccess

Before I begin designing a webpage I go into a vector-art app Lunacy and make a reference image for the webpage. Then once I am done I make a version for the website using html, css and js.

At the end of every devLog I want to do a poll to get your guy’s opinion on things. This DevLog will be no different.

This poll will be about something somewhat controversial, donating. Should I add the ability for users to donate to this project (using robux). Obviously you wouldn’t have to donate and obviously the cost to donate wouldn’t be really high (somewhere between 50 :robux_light: - 250 :robux_light:). The donations would go towards this project, such as advertising on or hiring another dev to help me out :). If someone does donate then their reward could be an elusive badge on their RoStats profile.

Should I Add The Ability For Users To Donate To This Project?
  • Yes :slight_smile:
  • No :frowning:
  • Don’t Care :expressionless:

0 voters


I would love to donate to this upcoming project of your’s!


RoStats: The Ultimate Website for Developers.
When do you think you will be done with this marvelous project of yours?
2 months, more or less?
And yes, you should add a donation option.


Im hoping to get it released in a month or 2 :slight_smile:


I’m still confused. While it look cool, what’s an use case for this?

Hello I am @NamelessGuy2005, I have been scripting on Roblox since 2018. Recently I have had a problem, you cannot easily find out how good someone is at developing on roblox unless they have a portfolio, but even then you can’t find out some useful information about a developer.

In the last few weeks I have been developing a website called RoStats which will solve this problem I and possibly other users have been having! My website is live but due to this being a discussion category and the fact that the website isn’t complete (yet) I won’t be giving the URL out.

My website currently has basic features such as;

  • login and signup (with discord)
  • profile pages for each developer (profiles currently have skills, status, indicator)
    • skills are fields in roblox studio development (scripting, building, etc)
    • status’s tell weather the developer is for hire and if they are hiring
    • indicators indicate if a developer is reputable

Anyways, time for the point of this discussion - if I was to release this website to the public with these features + more, would you use it?

heres what I said in my last post :slight_smile:


It’s a pretty nice idea, sadly you’ll need to become extremely popular for it to become a useful site. But I’ll love supporting it!

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thats one of the reasons of why I am making devlogs about it - I want to bring exposure to the project, albeit not the main reason. :slight_smile:

I would go ahead and make sure it wont run any code put anywhere in the website (like where users can type) aka put something in the code saying that this is text only

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Which part, exactly? It does needs a big userbase to be somewhat useful


Are you considering using a backend framework? If yes or already, what are you going to use/using? (Flask, Django, Angular, net/http?)

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“Question: A useful or an useful ? Answer: A useful . Although U is a vowel, the pronunciation of useful begins with a Y sound (yoos-ful) which is a consonant sound.” he was correct!

Tbh I’d use this as long it stays nice. I quit HD because it was toxic and the moderation was blatantly favored to those with high ranks.


im using flask for the framework


My mistake. I did not meant to write a “u”, although is what you are saying that this:

is still correct? No, it is not.


Hey man, i’m digital. I know we’ve had our differences but if you need any help just dm me.Good luck on this project either way

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angular is frontend by the way


Have you acquired the Rostats domain name?

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Just to clarify, you are not collecting anyone’s Roblox or Discord passwords correct?

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No I am not collecting anyone’s password for anything

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Perhaps I’m not understanding this very correctly, but will this website show information on EVERY developer on Roblox? You mentioned something about how well they build? Is this just a sign up type thing, or does it use some sort of API from robloxs site that can look at other developers without exact right to see their content? Heavily confused.